Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 4 Day 2

Objective: Describe in writing the kinetic energy of molecules using vivid science vocabulary and transitions.

Do Now

  1. Which state of matter has the highest kinetic energy? (solid, liquid, or gas) Why do you think so?
  2. What do the molecules in a gas look like? 
  3. What do the molecules in a liquid look like?

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Day 2

Objective: Describe events in geological time in writing using tranistions and vivid vocabulary.

Do Now

  1. What happened during the precambrian era? (4.2.1 p 1)
  2. What happened during the paleozoic era? (4.2.2 p 3)

Earth Science 1 Unit 4 Day 2

Objective: Analyze the trends of the layers of the atmosphere in writing using transitions and vivid vocabulary.

Do Now:
  1. What are the 4 most common gases in our atmosphere? (4.1.1 p 2)
  2. Why do you think the layers differ so much in temperature? 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 4 Day 1

Objective: Describe how molecules move in writing using vivid science vocabulary.

Do NOw

  1. How do molecules move? Why do you think molecules move?
  2. How do you think you make molecules move faster?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Biology 1 Unit 5 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the process of photosynthesis by taking cornell notes and using the words light reaction, calvin cycle, NADPH, ATP, glucose, photosystem I & II, thylakoid, chloroplast.

1) What does the light reaction make? (5.1.4 p 2)
2) What is the role of photosystem II and I (5.1.4 p 7 and 10)
3) How are NADPH and ATP used in photosynthsis? (5.1.4 p 12)

Exit Ticket:
Describe 3 steps in photosynthesis. Use the following sentence stem/topic sentence "The process of photosynthesis has 3 steps, ______, _________, ______." and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Biology 1 Unit 5 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will illustrate and explain the process of photosynthesis by completing anchor chart notes and using the words  light reaction, photosystems I & II, chloroplast, thylakoid, Calvin Cycle, NADPH, glucose.

1) What are the end products of photosynthesis? (5.1.1 p 2)
2) What are photosystems and why are they important? (5.1.4 p 3)
3) What happens in the light reaction? (5.1.1 p 11)

Exit Ticket: What role does light play in photosynthesis? Use the following sentence stem "Light is important to photosynthesis because..." and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Physical Science Unit 4 Day 1 + Vocab Card Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe the cause and effect of thermodynamics on the movement of molecules using the words kinetic energy, thermal energy, radiation, conduction, specific heat, latent heat, condensation and completing vocabulary cards.

1) List the 4 phases of matter.
2) Describe the molecules in a solid and the molecules in a gas.
3) What is kinetic energy? Which phase of matter has the most?

Vocabulary Cards -- Instructions
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words or synonyms (2)
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)
    • Antonyms (2 words that mean the opposite)

Exit Ticket: Describe the effect of raising the temperature of molecules. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (topic + 2 details) using the following sentence stem "Raising the temperature of molecules results in..." and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Biology 1 Unit 5 Day 1 + Vocab Card Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the process of photosynthesis by completing vocabulary cards and using the following vocabulary light reaction, NADPH, photosystem I & II, chloroplast, thylakolid, calvin cycle. 

1) What is the role of photosynthesis? (5.1.1 p 1)
2) Where in plants does photosynthesis occur? (5.1.1 p 5)
3) How does photosynthesis occur?...hint: there are 2 steps (5.1.1 p 7)

Vocabulary Cards -- Instructions
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words(2)
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Exit Ticket:
Describe the process of photosynthesis by writing a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (topic + 2 details sentences). Use the following sentence stem "The process of photosynthesis involves..." and 2 green words from the objective above.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Physical Science Unit 3 Day 7

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections about chemical reactions on the unit cst.

Questions: (REVIEW!!)
1) What is a heterogenous mixture? (3.2.4 p 3)
2) What is a solution? (3.2.4 p 6)
3) What are the products and reactants of a neutralization reaction? (3.3.4 p 8)

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 7

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections about cell structures and processes on the unit CST.

Questions: (REVIEW)

1) Describe why surface area is important to cells. (4.1.1 p 13)
2)  Why is the cell membrane called a lipid bilayer (4.2.1 p 5)

No exit ticket today.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Physical Science Unit 3 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: see yesterday

1) What makes an acid a strong acid? (3.3.1 p 6)
2) Give an example of a chemical formula for an acid and a base. (3.3.1 p 14)
3) What does dissociation have to do with acids and bases? (3.3.1 p 2)

Exit Ticket: Complete the self-evaluation on the bottom of your unit tracker. Be sure that you write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (topic sentence + 2 detail sentences).

Biology Unit 4 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the process of osmosis and the cause/effect of semipermeable membranes by completing a lab TST and using the words osmosis, homeostasis, concentration, channel proteins, semipermeable membrane. 

Questions: (REVIEW!!)
1) A semipermeable membrane has a 2 percent salt solution on one side and a 15 percent salt solution on the other side. What will most likely occur? (4.2.4 p 4-5)
2) What is the difference between multicellular and unicellular organisms? (4.3.1 p 3-4)
3) What are xylem and phloem tissues used for in plants? (4.3.1 p 10)

Exit Ticket: Complete the self-evaluation at the bottom of your unit tracker. This should be a perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 3 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the pH scale and the cause/effect of neutralization reactions like acid rain during a TST lab using the words neutralization reaction, pH, acids, bases, ions.

1) What is an acid? Base? (3.3.1 p 1)
2) What is a neutralization reaction? Give an example. (3.3.4 p8)
3) Describe the pH scale. (3.3.1 p 8)

Exit Ticket:
Describe the pH scale. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem "The pH scale is..." and at least 1 green word from the objective above 

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the process of osmosis and the cause/effect of semipermeable membranes by completing a lab TST and using the words osmosis, homeostasis, concentration, channel proteins, semipermeable membrane. 

1) What does it mean that cell membranes are semipermeable? (4.2.1 p 7)
2) What is osmosis? (4.2.4 p 3)
3) How do things move through osmosis? (4.2.4 p 4)

Exit Ticket:
Describe the process of osmosis. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem "Osmosis is the process of..." and at least 1 green word from the objective above.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 3 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will interpret and revise chemical reaction equations to meet the law of conservation of matter by watching video clips, taking cornell notes and completing a practice worksheet using the words coefficients, reactants and products.

1) What does the law of conservation of mass say about chemical reactions? (3.1.4 p1)
2) How do you balance chemical reactions? (3.1.4 p 9)
3) What are subscripts and coefficents? (3.1.4 p 5)

Exit Ticket:
Use the following sentence stem to explain how you know a chemical reaction is balanced "The Law of Conservation of mass says that chemical reactions are balanced when...". Write a  complete perfect 3 sentence paragraph (topic + 2 Details).

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 4

Do Now
Objectives: Students will connect cells and structures and their functions by watching videos and taking cornell notes and using the words differentiation, stem cells, totipotent stem cells, pluripotenet, multipotent, unipotent, embryonic stem cells, multicellular. 

1) What is differentiation? (4.3.4 p 3)
2) How are cells organized in multicellular organisms? (4.3.4 p 4 and 8)
3) Describe the structure and function and stem cells. (4.3.4 p 9)

Exit Ticket: There are many different types of stem cells. How do the structure of stem cells connect to their function? Use the following sentence stem "Stem cells structure is connected to its function because..." and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 3 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe the process of a chemical reaction by making mobiles and using the words double replacement reaction, single replacement reaction, combustion reaction, combination reaction, decomposition reaction, and neutralization reaction.

1) What is the activity series? What does it mean? (section 3.2.1 p 12)
2) Describe the reactants and products of a double replacement reaction. (section 3.2.1 p 15)
3) What happens during a single replacement reaction? (section 3.2.1 p 11)

Exit Ticket:
Chemical reactions are the process of changing reactants into different products. There are 6 different ways this happens. Contrast 2 of different types of chemical reactions. Use the following sentence stem "_____________ and ___________ reactions are different because..." and 2 different words from the objective above.

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 3

Do Now
Objectives: Students will make connections between structures and functions in the cell membrane on posters and notes using the words fatty acids, hydrogen pumps, membrane proteins, phospholipid bilayer, semipermeable membrane, facilitated diffusion, active transport, exocytosis, passive transport.

1) What are fatty acids and why are they important? (section 4.2.1 p 5)
2) What structures aid in active transport? (section 4.2.4 p 10)
3) What is semipermeable and what structures make cell semipermeable? (section 4.2.1 p 7)

Exit Ticket:
How does the structure of the cell membrane relate to its function. Use the following sentence stem "The structure of the cell membrane is ____________ this helps the cell because..." and at least 2 green words from the objectives. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 3 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe the 6 types of chemical reaction processes by making mobiles and using the words double replacement reaction, single replacement reaction, combustion reaction, combination reaction, decomposition reaction, and neutralization reaction.

1) How can you speed up the rate of a chemical reaction? (3.1.1 p 10-11)
2) List 5 types of chemical reactions (3.2.1 p 17)
3) Give an example of a double replacement reaction and a combustion reaction. (3.2.1 p 5 and 15)

Exit Ticket:
Describe 2 types of chemical reactions. Use the following sentence stem "Chemical reactions are processes that...." and 2 green terms from the objective above.

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe structures and functions of the cell membrane on bubble posters using the words fatty acids, hydrogen pumps, membrane proteins, phospholipid bilayer, semipermeable membrane, facilitated diffusion, active transport, exocytosis, passive transport.

1) What does the cell membrane look like (describe)? (4.2.1p 4-5)
2) What structures make up the cell membrane? List at least 3. (4.2.1 p. 5)
3) What is the function of the cell membrane? (4.2.1 p 13-14)

Exit Ticket
What are the structures and functions of the cell membrane? Use at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Physical Science 1 Unit 3 Day 1

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe aspects of a chemical reactions and equations by completing vocabulary cards and using the words reactants, products, reaction rate, coeffiecients, Law of Conservation of Mass, activity series and redox reaction. 

1) How do you know a chemical reaction has occurred? (section 3.1.1 p 3)
2) What symbols are used in writing out a chemical reaction equation? (3.1.1 p 9)
3) Give 3 examples of chemical reactions.

Exit Ticket: What is a chemical reaction? Use the question in your topic sentence and at least 1 green word from the objective above. 

Biology 1 Unit 4 Day 1 + Vocab Card Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe cells and their structures and functions using vocabulary cards and the words prokaryotes, eukaryotes, cell wall, chloroplast, rough ER, smooth ER, mitochondria, nucleus, golgi apparatus, lysosome.

1) What is spontaneous generation? Is it true? (section 4.1.1 page 4)
2) What is the cell theory? (4.1.1 p 6)
3) Describe 2 characteristics of Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

Vocabulary Cards -- Instructions
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words(2)
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)
Exit Ticket: Draw and describe 2 cell structures and their functions. Use the following sentence stem "Cell structures maintain homeostasis by performing certain functions like..." and at least 1 green word from the objective above.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Physical Science Unit 2 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will collect data and draw conclusions about why and how bonds form using the words ionic bonding, oxidation states and valence electrons.

1) What does oxidation state tell you about an atom?
2) is CaCO3 a covalent compound or an ionic compound?
3) What is a polyatomic ion? Give an example.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections and evaluate their learning on unit CST using all the green words from the objectives on the tracker.

Questions: (REVIEW!)
What type of reaction requires heat to happen?
  • A. Exothermic
  • B. Endothermic
  • C. Ionic
  • D. Liquid
2) How many atoms of each element are in the following compound?

3) What would a Lewis-Dot structure for BH3 look like? Is this a covalently bonded compound or an ionic compound?

Exit Ticket: complete the self-evaluation at the bottom of the unit tracker. Think about: how well can you draw and describe different types of bonds? 

Biology 1 Unit 2 + 3 Labs

Do Now
Objective: Students will collect data, make connections and draw conclusions about enzyme functioning and the scientific method during lab (TSTs).

Questions: (use this page to help find the answers
1) What is the role of lactase?
2) What colors does a positive benedict's test create?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will draw and describe bonding in molecules in a bond with a classmate activity using the words ionic bonding, covalent bonding, lewis dot structures.

1) Give 3 examples of ionic compounds (names).
2) How is an ionic compound formed?
3) What are the rules for forming ionic compounds?

Exit Ticket:
Draw a Lewis Dot structure of an ionic compound. What do Lewis dot structures show? Write 2 sentences to explain. Use the question in your response and at least 1 green word from the objective above.

Biology 1 Unit 3 TST Lab Day

Do Now
Objective: Students will collect data and draw conclusions about the function of enzymes by conducting a lactase enzyme test in lab and using the words enzyme, denatured, lactase, disaccahride, monosaccharide, and glucose.

1) What is lactose?
2) What is Benedict's reagent solution? What does it test for?
3) Why are we using benedict's reagent in our enzyme lab?

Exit Ticket: complete lab questions.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe and draw types of bonds and how they form on posters and notes using the words ionic bonds, covalent bonds, oxidation states, valence electrons, Lewis Dot structures.

1) How is an ionic bond formed?
2) How is a covalent bond formed?
3) What is a metallic bond?

Exit Ticket: NONE today

Biology 1 Unit 3 Day 7 TST Day

Do Now
Objective: Students will make predictions, hypothesize, collect data and analyze how enzymes function under altered conditions using the words denature, protein, catalyze.

1) What are the function of enzymes?
2) What is the enzyme lactase responsible for?
3) What 4 factors cause enzymes to not function correctly?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe terms related to chemical bonding on bubble posters using the words Lewis Dot Structures, oxidation states, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, metallic bonding.

1) Name 3 elements that tend to gain electrons.
2) Name 3 elements that tend to lose electrons to be happy/stable.
3) What is the difference between and anion and a cation?

Exit Ticket:
How do bonds form? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use the question as your topic sentence and at least 2 green words from your objectives on your unit tracker.

Biology Unit 2 TST (Day 7)

Do Now
Objective: Students will predict, observe, collect data, analyze and make conclusions about mold growth using the scientific method on the unit 2 tst lab using the words spores, fungi, and energy.

1) What is fungi?
2) What is mold?
3) What 3 critical factors cause mold to grow?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Physical Science Unit 2 Day 1 + Vocab Card Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe terms that explain why bonds form on vocab cards using the words ion, valence electrons, electronegativity, molecule, bond energy, polar molecule, oxidation state. 

1) List 3 types of bonds.
2) What is a chemical bond?
3) Describe electronegativity in the periodic table.

Vocabulary Cards -- Instructions
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words(2)
    • Non-examples (2) 
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Exit Ticket
Read APEX section 2.1.1 page 2. What is the author of this text's purpose for writing this page? How do you know? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem "The purpose of this page is..." and at least 1 vocabulary word from the objective above.

Biology Unit 3 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will draw conclusions and make connections on the unit 3 CST.

Questions: (ReViEw!!)
1) What is an enzyme? And what is its function?
2) What does a membrane protein look like? Do?
Which chemical bond most likely stores the most energy?
  • A. C=C
  • B. H-H
  • C. C-C
  • D. H-O

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Biology Unit 3 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections between structure and function by watching videos and taking cornell notes and using the words enzyme, trigycleride, fatty acid, fructose, saturated fats, monosaccharide, unsaturated fats, polysaccharide, DNA, cellulose, nucleotide bases, phosphate group,starch, amino acid, globular protein,and fibrous protein.

1) What is a globular protein used for?
2) What does a fibrous protein look like? What is it used for?
3) What does cellulose look like? What is it used for?

Exit Ticket: How does structure relate to function in macromolecules? Use the following sentence stem for your topic sentence The structure of ______________ relates to its function because... and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Physcial Science Unit 1 Day 7

Do Now
Objective: Students will analyze trends and patterns and create a periodic table for the unit 1 TST using the words reactivity, metals, atomic mass, atomic number, electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic radius.

Do Now: (REVIEW!!)

  1. Which elements on the periodic table are the largest?
  2. What are 3 properties of metals?
  3. What are metalloids?
Exit Ticket: What have you learned about the periodic table and its patterns or trends? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use the following sentence stem, The periodic table is arranged by ___________ and ___________.  and at least 1 word from the objective above. 

Biology Unit 3 Day 3 + Poster Notes Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe macromolecules structure and function on posters and cornell notes using the words nzyme, trigycleride, fatty acid, fructose, saturated fats, monosaccharide, unsaturated fats, polysaccharide, DNA, cellulose, nucleotide bases, phosphate group,starch, amino acid, globular protein,and fibrous protein.

Do Now:

  1. What is a monosaccharide? Give an example.
  2. What is a polysaccharide? Give 2 examples.
  3. What is the difference between a monosaccharide and a polysaccharide?


  • Choose 5 posters, 2 Details from each 
  • Left column should be a question. For example: What does a lipid look like?
  • Summary should be 3 sentences and use the following sentence stem: "Macromolecules are ______________ and _______________.

Exit Ticket:
How do macromolecules relate to energy? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem, Macromolecules and energy are related because _____________and at least 1 word from the objective above.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

physical science unit 1 day 6

Do Now
Objective: students will make connections on the unit 1 cst.

Questions (review!)
1) List 3 properties of metals.
2) Which groups on the periodic table are radioactive?
Atoms of which element have the most valence electrons?
  • A. Nitrogen (N)
  • B. Calcium (Ca)
  • C. Sodium (Na)
  • D. Oxygen (O)

Biology Unit 3 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will draw and describe macromolecules on posters using the words enzyme, trigycleride, fatty acid, fructose, saturated fats, monosaccharide, unsaturated fats, polysaccharide, DNA, cellulose, nucleotide bases, phosphate group,starch, amino acid, globular protein,and fibrous protein.

1) What are the 6 most common elements found in living things?
2) What is a macromolecule? Give an example.
3) What does energy have to do with chemical bonds?

Exit Ticket:
What did you learn today about macromolecules? Use the following sentence stem "Macromolecules are ___________ and _____________ " and at least 2 green words from the objective above.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will analyze and make connections on the unit 1 cst.

1) Pick up a hand-out from the front table.
2) Complete the matching activity.

Exit Ticket:
Complete the unit self-evaluation on the bottom of your unit tracker. Things to think about--what did you learn the most about? What are you still confused about?

Biology Unit 3 Day 1 + Instructions for Vocab Cards

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe words related to biochemistry on vocabulary cards using the words covalent bonds, ionic bond, hydrogen bond, ions, organic molecules, hydrolysis reaction.

1) What is matter?
2) Describe the 3 particles that make up an atom.
3) How do atoms form bonds?

Vocabulary Cards -- Instructions
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words(2)
    • Non-examples (2) 
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Exit Ticket:
What did you learn today about organic molecules? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence starter ("Organic molecules are...") and 2 green words from the objective above.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will identify and make connections about periodic table patterns and trends by coloring and labeling a periodic table and using the words electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic radius, valence electrons, reactivity.

1) What elements are the most reactive? Why?
2) What property do elements in the same group have in common?
3) What elements are least reactive? Why?

Exit Ticket:
What patterns or trends are in the periodic table? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem "The periodic table shows a pattern because..." and at least 1 green word from the objective. Be sure to have 1 of your classmates read and evaluate what you wrote.

Biology 1 Unit 2 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections and draw conclusions on the unit 2 CST using the words characteristics, energy, reproduce, scientific method.

1) List 5-6 steps in the scientific method.
2) Give an example of a scientific question.
3) What is an example of how science affects society?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the self-evaluation at the bottom of your unit tracker. Some things to consider when thinking about your learning: What did you learn the most about? What was most or least helpful in learning this unit?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Physcial Science Unit 1 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe the patterns and trend on the periodic table on partner posters using the words atomic radius, reactivity, electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic mass.

1) What is electronegativity? Why is it important?
2) What makes at atom reactive?
3) How are the elements on the periodic table arranged?

Exit Ticket: How are the elements on the periodic table arranged? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence stem "The periodic table is arranged by..." and at least 1 green word from the objective above.

biology 1 unit 2 day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe characteristics of living things on posters using the words energy, structure, evolution.

1) What is technology in science? (hint: use apex section 2.2.4 page 1-2)
2) Give one good effect and one bad effect of technology and science used in the world. (hint: use apex section 2.2.4 page 9-10)
3) What are the steps in the scientific method or scientific process?

Exit Ticket:
Do you think science and technology is a good or a bad concept? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use the following sentence starter "Science and technology is good/bad for our planet because....".

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe and diagram atoms and the periodic table on posters using the words noble gases, halogens, reactivity, electronegativity, ionization energy, metalloids, non-metals. 

1) Give 3 examples of metals from the periodic table.
2) What is the octet rule?
3)  What are valence electrons? why are they important?

Exit Ticket:
Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph about properties of atoms using the following sentence stem: Atoms have properties like... Use at least 2 green words from objective in your response.

Biology 1 Unit 2 Day 1 + Poster Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will describe and provided examples for the 7 characteristics of life on posters using the words structure, function, energy, matter.

1) List the 6 (or 7) characteristics of life.
2) Give an example of 1 of the characteristics of life (see APEX section 2.2.1)

Poster Instructions:
  1. Choose 1 of the characteristics of life from the do now. 
  2. In the center, draw a green bubble and write 1 sentence about your characteristic in it.
  3. Make 5 yellow bubbles around the center and connected them to the center.
    • fill these bubbles with examples, diagrams, or details.
  4. Choose 3 of your 5 bubbles, from these draw a branch and another bubble.
    • Fill these red bubbles by completing one of the following sentence stems:
      • I wonder...
      • This makes me think about...
      • This sounds like...
      • This is related to...

Exit Ticket: What characteristics do all living things share? Use the following sentence stem for your topic sentence: All living things are alike because... and write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 1 + Vocab Card Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe words on vocabulary notecards related to atoms and the periodic table: group (periodic table), valence electrons, electronegativity, octet rule, ionization energy, atomic number.

1) What is an atom?
2) What 3 particles make up an atom? What is their charge?
3) How are protons and neutrons similar? Different?

Vocab Cards:
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence (a sentence that uses the word, not the definition)
    • related words(2)
    • Non-examples (2) 
    • This word means...
    • This word makes me think about...
    • A hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Exit Ticket:
What is an atom? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph, use the question in your topic sentence (An atom is...), and use at least 2 of the following words: atomic number, atomic mass, neutrons, protons, electrons, nucleus.

Biology 1 Unit 1 Day 1

Do Now
Objective: Students will understand how reading strategies will be used in studying biology by taking the unit 1 CST and TST.

1) List 4 reading strategies found in APEX unit 1 section 1.1.1.
2) Give an example of activating prior knowledge.
3) Give an example of summarizing.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Physical Science Unit 6 Day 1

Do Now

Start on your unit 5 TST questions.

Exit Ticket:
Hand in your unit 5 TST.

Chemistry Unit 5 Day 1

Do Now
Objective: Students will learn vocabulary related to organic chemistry on the unit CST.

1) How are organic molecules different than inorganic molecules?
2) How are organic molecules named?
3) What is a hydrocarbon?

Exit Ticket:
Finish your unit 4 TST!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

biology unit 4 day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will develop classification schemes for objects.

Write 3 sentences about how organisms are classified (genus/species names, Linnean Classification, cladograms).

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will create Rube Goldberg machine to make a balloon pop using the words simple machine, complex machine, mechanical advantage, momentum, conservation of energy.

Write 3 sentences about simple machines, how to make a simple machine or rube goldberg machines.

Exit Ticket: Complete the TST questions.

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will create spectrographs and analyze data on TST lab using the words line spectrum, photons, wavelength.

Write 3 sentences about spectrography, spectrographs and what they show.

Exit Ticket: Finish your TST questions.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Biology Unit 4 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate and draw conclusions on the Unit CST.

1) What is adaptive radiation?
2) List 5 kingdoms of living things.

Exit ticket: Finish CST start TST lab

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate their knowledge on the unit CST and create machines in the Unit TST using the words law of conservation of energy, elastic collisions, work, power, momentum, mechanical advantage and simple machines.

Questions (REVIEW!):
1 What does the law of conservation of momentum say?
2) Is a Rube Goldberg machine a complex machine? Explain your answer.
3) How do you calculate work?

Exit Ticket: None today! Finish unit 5 CST and start unit 5 TST!!!!

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate their knowledge on the Unit CST and create connections during the unit TST using the words photon, electromagnetic wave, spectrum, quantization, electromagnetic force, radioactive decay.

Questions: (REVIEW!!)
1) What is the velocity of a wave with a wavelength of .03m and a frequency of 45m/s?
2) What causes electromagnetic force?
3) How do energy, photons, quantization, and electromagnetic spectrum all relate?

Exit Ticket: No exit ticket today!--Finish your unit 4 CST and pre-lab!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Biology Unit 4 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate their knowledge on the Unit CST and self-evaluation.

1) A population of rabbits lives in a forest. The habitat features many small spaces for hiding. Over many generations, the average size of the rabbits gets smaller and smaller. What type of selection is this? Explain.
2) What causes speciation?
3) What is a fixed allele?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the self-evaluation on the bottom of your unit tracker. Some things to think/write about: What did you learn? What would have helped you learn this material better? What was most helpful for you to learn about momentum and collisions?

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate their knowledge through self-evaluation and the unit CST.

1) What is a simple machine? Give 6 types.
2) List 2 example of wedges.
3) What is mechanical advantage? How do you calculate it?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the self-evaluation at the bottom of your unit tracker. Some things to think/write about: What did you learn? What would have helped you learn this material better? What was most helpful for you to learn about momentum and collisions?

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 4

Do Now:
Objective: Students will evaluate themselves and their knowledge on the unit CST.

Questions (REVIEW!):
1) How does energy relate to wavelength? To frequency?
2) What is line spectrum and how does it relate to photons?
3) How much energy is released if a sample loses .001kg of mass through radioactive decay?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the self-evaluation at the bottom of your unit tracker. Some things to think about/write about: What did you learn? What would have helped you learn this material better? What was helpful to you to learn about photons and radioactivity?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Biology Unit 4 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe the organisms on Earth on unit 4 study guide using the words Linnean Classification, Cladistics, domains, fungi, eukaryotes.

1) What is adaptive radiation?
2) What causes new species to form?
3) Describe how Carolis Linneaous classifies life on Earth.

Exit Ticket: A small island in the Pacific Ocean has many different types of geography, including a steep mountain in the middle. Name two reasons this island would have a high rate of speciation. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (repeat the question in your topic sentence + 2 reasons). 

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and diagram words related to work on posters and notes using the words potential energy, kinetic energy, power, conservation of energy, work.

1) How do calculate kinetic energy? Give an example.
2) How do you calculate the conservation of energy?
3) A rock tumbles straight down from a cliff; it is moving at 20 m/s when it hits. What is the height of the cliff? (the mass of the rock is 8kg)

Exit Ticket:
How does energy get transfered? Repeat the question in your topic sentence. Support your topic sentence with 2 details sentences and at least 1 green word from the objective.

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 3

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe nuclear breakdown on poster and notes using the words alpha decay, beta decay, half-life, gamma decay, nuclear fussion, nuclear fission.

1) What are the four quantum numbers and what do they mean?
2) What is a photon? What does it do?
3) What makes a nucleus unstable?

Exit Ticket: How does quantized and photon relate? Repeat the question in your topic sentence.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Biology 2 Unit 4 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe terms related to evolution on vocab cards directional selection, disruptive selection, gene flow, genetic drift, stabilizing selection, and speciation.

1) How do genetic drift and gene flow cause evolution?
2) What causes directional selection? Give an example.
3) What causes evolution?

Exit Ticket:
What causes evolution? Write at least 3 sentences. Repeat the question in your topic sentence. Use at least 1 green word from the objective above.

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe energy.

1) How do you calculate problems for inelastic collisions?
2) How do you calculate problems for elastic collisions?
3) How do you calculate problems for potential energy?

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 2

Do Now
Objective: Students will diagram and describe terms related to nuclear chemistry on vocab posters using the words alpha decay, beta decay, half-life, gamma decay, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion.

1) How do you calculate wavelength? Give an example.
2) What is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave with energy of 5.0  10-20 J?
3) What do quantum numbers tell you about an electron?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Biology 2 Unit 4 Day 1

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe evidence for evolution on vocab cards using the terms genetic drift, gene flow, vestigal structures, divergent evolution.

1) Why is the theory of evolution just a theory?
2) What evidence is there to support the theory of evolution?
3) What is the theory of evolution.

Physical Science Unit 5 Day 1 + Vocab Card Assignment

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe movement and crashes using the words momentum, angular momentum, impulse, elastic collision, inelastic collision, potential energy, law of conservation of energy.

1) What is momentum?
2) How do you calculate momentum? Give an example.
3) What is an impulse?

Exit Ticket:
What happens in a car crash? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use the question in your topic sentence. Include at least 1 green word from the objective in your writing.

Vocab Cards Instructions:
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence
    • related vocabulary words(2)
    • This means...
    • This makes me think about...
    • Hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Chemistry Unit 4 Day 1 + Vocab cards Instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will define and describe words related to quantum mechanics on vocab cards.

1) What is a wave? (chemistry)
2) What does quantum mean?
3) What does quantized mean? Give an example.

Vocab Cards
Words: Quantization, electromagnetic waves, wavelength, photons, quantum numbers, electrostatic force, strong nuclear force.
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence
    • related vocabulary words(2)
    • This means...
    • This makes me think about...
    • Hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Biology Unit 4 Day 1 + Vocab Cards Assignment

Words: speciation, vestigal structure, disruptive selection, stabilizing selection, directional selection, genetic drift, gene flow
  • On the front of the notecard write the word and draw a picture or diagram about the word.
  • On the back of the card, choose 2 of the following:
    • Examples
    • Definition
    • Apex sentence
    • related vocabulary words(2)
    • This means...
    • This makes me think about...
    • Hint: (what can help you remember the definition or the word better?)

biology unit 3 day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will draw conclusions and make connections on the unit cst.

1) What is a secondary disturbance? Give an example.
2) What causes logistic population growth?

Exit Ticket:
Finish unit 3 CST and the self-evaluation on the bottom of the unit tracker.

Physical Science Unit 4 Day 7

Do Now
Objective: Students will design and test helmets in their TST lab.

1) How much force is needed to accelerate a bicycle and rider with a total mass of 50 kg at a rate of 2.0 m/s2?

2) The Earth orbits the sun in a nearly circular orbit. Circular motion requires a centripetal force. What force acting on the Earth causes this?

Exit Ticket:
Finish your egg helmet TST questions.

Chemistry Unit 3 Day 6

Do Now
Objective: Students will design and evaluate methods of maintaining heat using the word specific heat capacity.

1) What is specific heat capacity?
2) How do you calculate specific heat capacity?

How many degrees will 340 J raise the temperature of 6.8 g of water? (Refer to table of constants for water.)

Exit Ticket:
Finish your TST questions!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

biology unit 3 day 5 - Do Now, Agenda, Exit Ticket

Do Now
Objective: Students will analyze organisms and their adaptations through video clips and notes.

1) What is an adaptation? Give an example.
2) What is natural selection? Give an example.


  1. After completing the Do Now, start on the Adaptations videos. These can be found on my website (, under the Biology tab, Semester 2, unit 3. 
    1. Watch at least 5 vidoes.
    2. Describe (complete sentences) the organisms adaptation--what is it?
    3. Expand on their adaptation (complete sentences)--why does it make them better fit for survival? Why does it make them better for their ecosystem?
Exit Ticket:
Why does Hardy-Weinberg never happen in nature? Give at least 2 reasons. 

Physical Science unit 4 day 6 + egg helmet instructions

Do Now
Objective: Students will draw conclusions and make connections on the unit 4 CST and lab.

Questions: (REVIEW!!)
1) What is the Law of universal gravitation?
2) What 2 factors does gravity depend on?

Which of the following units could not be used to measure density? Explain!
  • A. Kilograms per liter (kg/L)
  • B. Grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
  • C. Grams per milliliter (g/mL)
  • D. Pounds per cubic inch (lb/in3)

Exit Ticket: Pick up a lab tst handout from Ms Friedrich. You will be building a helmet for a crashing egg (falling from the ceiling) using the following guidelines and materials:
  • No bigger than 8"x8"x8"
  • No tape is allowed.
  • Nothing can be glued directly to the egg.
  • If your egg survives the crash, you get an "A". 
  • Use the materials given below:
    • 2 plastic grocery bags
    • 2 rubber bands
    • 1 piece of cardboard 6"x18"
    • 1 length of string 
    • 4 plastic straws
    • 2 pieces of bubble wrap (6"x6")
    • 3 wooden sticks 

chemistry unit 3 day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will make connections and draw conclusions on the unit CST.

Which reaction would cause an increase in entropy? Explain!
  • A. 2CO(g) + O2(g 2CO2(g)
  • B. SO2Cl2(g SO2(g) + Cl2(g)
  • C. PCl3(g) + Cl2(g PCl5(g)
  • D. C2H2(g) + H2(g C2H4(g)

2)What is the value for G at 1000 K if H = -220 kJ/mol and S = -0.05 kJ/(molK)? Is this a spontaneous or nonspontaneous reaction? 
3) How many degrees will 340 J raise the temperature of 6.8 g of water? (Refer to table of constants for water.)

Exit Ticket: Pick up a lab sheet from Ms Friedrich. Complete the pre-lab for Monday. Materials list:

  • 1 plastic bottle (thin plastic, with a rubber stopper) this will hold the hot water
  • 2 rubber bands
  • 1 meter of string
  • 1 piece of foam packaging
  • 1 piece of aluminum foil (30cmx30cm)
  • 5 plastic straws
  • 5 pieces of plastic tubing
  • 5 Popsicle sticks

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

biology unit 3 day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will evaluate and make inferences about ecosystems and organisms in video clips using the words adaptations, natural selection,  carrying capacity.

1) What does it mean to be in hardy-weinberg equilibrium?
2) What 4 conditions must be met for a population to be in hardy-wienberg equilibrium?
3) A fly has two alleles for the color of its eyes. The green allele is recessive, and is represented by q. The blue allele is dominant, and is represented by p. If 28 of 100 organisms are green, what is p?
Use the following equation: 

Exit Ticket:
What is duckweed? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph about this highly adapted plant species. Research and write about 2 of its adaptations.

Physical Science Unit 4 Day 5

Do Now
Objective: Students will recall knowledge and draw conclusions on the unit CST.

1) A man pushes on a heavy box, but the box does not move. What can be said about the forces acting on the box?

2) Describe an object moving in uniform circular motion.
3) How does the Earth and the moons orbit relate to centripetal acceleration and gravity? 
Exit Ticket:
Complete the pre-lab for the egg helmet competition. See Ms Friedrich for the handout.

Chemistry Unit 3 Day 4

Do Now
Objective: Students will recall information and draw conclusions on the unit CST using the words exothermic, endothermic, spontaneous, enthalpy, entropy (S), Hess' Law (H), Gibb's free energy (G), potential energy diagram, -.


How much energy is required to raise the temperature of 3 g of silver from 15°C to 20°C? (Refer to table of specific heat values.)

2) How much energy is required to vaporize 1.5 kg of aluminum? (Refer to table of latent heat values.)
What is the value for G at 1000 K if H = -220 kJ/mol and S = -0.05 kJ/(molK)?

Exit Ticket:
What is calorimetry? Draw a diagram and write 2 sentences to describe.