Thursday, March 26, 2015

Biology Unit 1 CST day

Objective: Take the Unit 1 CST.


  1. Justify: Why do you think genetic diversity a good thing?
  2. Justify: Do you think parents should be able to monitor (and possibly) choose their child's chromosomes?

Physical Science Unit 1 CST day

Objective: Take the unit 1 CST.


  1. Predict: Why do you think Flourine (F) and Chlorine (Cl) are very reactive elements?
  2. Predict: Why do you think Neon (Ne) is not very reactive (it won't "blow up")?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Biology Unit 1 Day 2

Objective: Students will learn about the phases of meiosis and why they lead to genetic diversity and explain it in writing using vivid vocabulary: crossing over, independent assortment, gametes.


  1. Why do you think siblings can look so different even though they have the same mother and father?
  2. Do you think it is possible for identical twins to look differently? Explain why you think so.

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 2

Objective: Students will learn about patterns and properties in the periodic table and describe them in writing using vivid vocabulary: reactivity, valence electrons, electronegativity, nonmetals.


  1. Do you think atoms on the periodic table look and act the same way? Explain why you think so.
  2. What do you think makes some atoms explode while others do not?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Biology Unit 1 Day 1 (continued)

Objective: (ONLY copy the HIGHLIGHTED WORDS)

Students will learn the main ideas and keywords of unit 1 and  

summarize them in writing using vivid vocabulary (heredity

inheritance patterns, recessive, and dominant).

  1. What do you think it means to have a dominant trait? Recessive trait?
  2. How do you think you inherit the ability to roll your tongue?

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 1 (continued)

Objective: (ONLY copy the WORDS that are HIGHLIGHTED)

Students will learn the main ideas and keywords of unit 1

 and summarize them in writing using vivid 

vocabulary (properties, matter, 

elements, atoms) and logical 


  1. What do you think an atom looks like?
  2. How are atoms and the periodic table connected?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Biology Unit 1 Day 1

Objective: (ONLY copy the HIGHLIGHTED WORDS)

Students will learn the main ideas and keywords of unit 1 

summarize them in writing using vivid vocabulary (heredity, 

inheritance patterns).

  1. What do you think is a pattern? Give an example.
  2. Why do you think you look and act (your personality) the way you do?

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 1

Objective: (ONLY copy the WORDS that are HIGHLIGHTED)
Students will learn the topics and keywords of unit 1 by summarizing them in writing using vivid vocabulary (properties, matter, elements) and logical transitions

  1. How much do you know about the periodic table? (a little, some, none, a lot) Where have you learned/heard of the periodic table?
  2. What do you think is a pattern? Give an example.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Biology Unit 4 Lab Day 1

Objective: Interpret data and analyze information about cell membrane function (osmosis) in writing using vivid vocabulary (osmosis, homeostasis, solutes).


  1. Watch the following video:Dialysis Tubing Experiment
  2. Write 3 bullet points summarizing what we will do in this lab.

Chemistry Unit 4 TST Day 1

Objective: Students will learn to analyze and interpret data relating to the chemical and physical properties of cmpounds and bonds in writing using vivid vocabulary (melting point, reactivity, covalent bond, ionic bond, polar bond, non-polar bond).


  1. Pick up a lab packet from Ms Friedrich. 
  2. Read the Background Information and look at the data table.
  3. EXPLAIN the 2 conclusion statements. Are they true? How do you know?
  4. Put your computer away when finished.

Physical Science Unit 4 TST Day 4

Objective: Explain gas laws and relate them to hot air balloons in writing using vivid vocabulary and transitions.

  1. What do you think the molecules of a gas look like? Act like? Movement?
  2. What is Charles Law? (see apex 4.2.1 page 11)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chemistry Unit 4 Lab

Objective: Take the unit 6 CST.


  1. During chemical reactions bonds form, what do you think causes different types of bonds to form?
  2. What properties do you think you can use to identify compounds and the bonds they're made of?

Physical Science Unit 4 CST day

Objective: Take the unit 4 CST


  1. Why do you think your ears pop when you dive under water or fly in an airplane?
  2. How do you think hot air balloons work?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Biology Unit 4 Day 4

Objective: Describe the structure and  functions of the cell membrane in writing using vivid vocabulary and transitions.


  1. Describe 3 functions of the cell membrane.
  2. Why do you think the cell membrane only lets some things in/out of the cell?

Chemistry Unit 5 CST day

Objective: Take the unit 5 CST.

  1. Can you make chemical reactions speed up and slow down? Explain your answer.
  2. Why do chemical reactions have to be balanced?

Physical Science Unit 4 Day 2

Objective: Learn to describe heat transfer and thermodynamics by write using vivid vocabulary and transitions.


  1. What do you think happens to molecules when heat is added to them?
  2. Why do you think food gets heated faster in a microwave than in an oven?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Biology unit 4 Day 5

Objective: Describe the structure and  functions of the cell membrane in writing using vivid vocabulary and transitions.


  1. Describe 3 functions of the cell membrane.
  2. Why do you think the cell membrane only lets some things in/out of the cell?

Physical Science Unit 4 Day 1

Objective: Students will learn the contents of unit 4 by summarizing them in writing using vivid vocabulary and transitions.


  1. What do you think makes some chemical reactions happen faster than others?
  2. Why do you think some reactions release heat and others don't (they get colder)?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Biology Unit 5 Diagnostic Day

Objective: Students will learn the overview of unit 5 by summarizing in writing using vivid vocabulary and logical transitions.


Make a list of 3-4 things you've learned about from unit 4:

  • How do cells function?
  • What kinds of structures do cells contain?
  • Why is the cell membrane important?

Chemistry Unit 6 Diagnostic Day

Objective: Students will learn the overview of unit 6 by summarizing in writing using vivid vocabulary and logical transitions.


Make a list of 3-4 things you learned about from unit 4 and 5:

  • What happens during chemical reactions?
  • How do compounds and elements interact?

Physical Science Unit 4 Diagnostic Day

Objective: Students will learn the overview of unit 4 by summarizing in writing using vivid vocabulary and logical transitions.


Make a list of 3-4 things you learned about from unit 3:

  • What did you learn in unit 3 about chemical reactions and interactions? How do they interact? 
  • What happens to the compounds and elements during reactions?

Biology Unit 4 CST

Objective: Take the unit 4 CST.


  1. What do you think is the function of the cell membrane?
  2. What is the cell membrane made of? What does it look like?

Chemistry Unit 5 Lab Day 4 continued

Objective: Objective: Students will learn how to make hypotheses, collect, interpret, and analyze data about chemical reactions in writing using vivid science vocabulary (products, reactants, double replacement reaction, Law of conservation of mass)


  1. What types of things do you think could go wrong with this lab?
  2. What is the purpose of a control test group?

Physical Science Unit 4 TST eval

Objective: Students will learn to evaluate and judge their TST by writing justification using evidence and reasoning.


  1. Finish the following sentence: "Today I am_____________ so I can ..." 
  2. Why is it important to write in science?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Biology Unit 4 CST day

Objective: Take the unit 4 CST.


  1. Why do you think the endoplasmic reticulum have two parts?
  2. What does the mitchondria look like? What does it do?

Chemistry Unit 5 Lab Day 3

Objective: Students will learn how to make hypotheses, collect, interpret, and analyze data about chemical reactions in writing using vivid science vocabulary (products, reactants, Law of conservation of mass)


  1. Watch the following video (you will need headphones):

2. Summarize what happens during this chemical reaction.

Physical Science Unit 3 TST day 4

Objective: Students will learn how to synthesize information and data about chemical reactions from lab and learning using claim-evidence-reasoning.


  1. What have you learned about chemical reactions from this unit? (make a list)
  2. Do you think chemical reactions cause change? (your opinion)