Monday, December 17, 2018

Air Week 9 Monday

Do Now Prompts: Choose 2-3. Fill your DO NOW box.

  • How would you describe our final project to a friend or classmate? How would you connect it to our learning in this class?
  • Describe your design for a solar-heated water system? What are it's most important parts? How will it absorb the maximum amount of radiation?
  • What did you know about solar-heated water systems before this class/project?--where did you learn this?
  • What factors affect the amount of pollution in the air? What does economic status have to do with it?

Viruses Week 9 Monday

Do Now Prompts: Choose 2-3. Fill your DO NOW box.

  • Make a list of STI/STDs that are viral. What makes STIs/STDs different than other pathogens/viruses? What make them similar?
  • What factors affect how a virus is transmitted? 
  • What stands out to you most from this class?
  • What would you tell the principal our objective was for this class?--based on what evidence/examples?

Math in Space Monday Week 3

Part 2 Do Now Prompts: Choose 2-3. Fill your DO NOW box.

  • Describe your distance calculations from lab. What was your percent error? What does this mean?
  • Describe a light year or an astronomical unit and how it's used to measure distance?
  • Describe parallax angle/effect. What does it look like? (draw or describe)
  • Why do stars, over their lifetimes create different elements? What is occurring? How do we know?--what evidence do we have? What does this look like? 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Week 8 Thursday

  • Describe the chain of Infection. What would be the most important detail to include?
  • What subject areas did you choose for your project?--explain why you chose these.
  • What pathogen did you choose for your project?--explain why you chose this.
  • What new information did you gain yesterday about your pathogen/project?
  • What are your next steps for your project? What do you need to do in order to complete these steps?
  • If you were to add a question to the list, what question would you add? 

Air Week 8 Thursday

  • What do you think about the effects of air pollution? Do you think they could be connected to other health problems other than respiratory?--explain your thinking.
  • What countries do you think have the worst air pollution?--why do you think this is?
  • What social/economic factors do you think play a role in a country's air pollution?--explain your thinking.
  • What new learning did you gain yesterday about solar heated water systems? 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Week 8 Wednesday

CHOOSE 2-3. THINK/WRITE for 10 minutes. FILL your do now box.
  • What was the simulation about yesterday? What did the data show? What did the data not show?
  • How would you describe herd immunity to a friend or family member? 
  • What is the impact of herd immunity on transmission rate of pathogens?
  • What do you think would happen if less people were immune (vaccinated) in our country?
  • Do you think people should be required to be vaccinated against the flu to create herd immunity?--explain your thinking.

Air Week 8 Wednesday

DO NOW PROMPTS: Choose 2-3. Think/write for 10 minutes. Fill your do now box. 
  • What factors did you use to help you rank air pollutants? What factors are most important to you in determining whether an air pollutant is a threat? Do you think your classmates used the same factors?--explain your thinking.
  • What do you think is the greatest contributor to air pollution in our area? In our country? Worldwide? 
  • Why do you think different countries/areas of the world have different air pollution levels?
  • Who and/or what is impacted most by air pollution?--explain why you think this is.

Math in Space Week 2 Wednesday

Part 1 Do Now Prompts: Choose 2-3. Fill your DO NOW box.
  • What evidence/information can we gather about stars? What do these measurements tell us? 
  • What is indirect evidence? What would be an example? 
  • What is direct evidence? What would be an example?
  • What is the difference between apparent and absolute magnitude?
  • Why is it important to measure/gather evidence about stars?
  • What information can we gather from a right triangle? How could this information be useful?
Part 2 Do Now Prompts: Choose 2-3. Fill your DO NOW box.
  • How would you explain parallax to classmate? What would be the most difficult part for you to explain. 
  • Summarize what we did in the lab during part 1. 
  • What does parallax look like? (draw or describe)
  • Is parallax an example of indirect or direct evidence?--explain your thinking.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Viruses Week 8 Tuesday

  • How did you/will you tell the story of a virus life cycle? What words are most important to include?--explain your thinking.
  • How would you describe the chain of infection? Why is it described as a chain verses a chain reaction?
  • What do you think is herd immunity? How do you think herd immunity is achieved?
  • What have you been most successful at in this class?--explain why you think this is so.

Math in Space Tuesday Week 2

  • What have you been most successful at so far in this class? Least? What do you need to do in order to be more successful? 
  • What has stuck with you most about math/space through this class?
  • Summarize the math you did during part 1 today. What part would be the most difficult for you to explain? 
  • How would you explain luminosity to a friend or classmate? What would be key words or ideas you would need to tell them?

Air Week 8 Tuesday

  • What has been going well for you in this class? 
  • What hasn't been going well?
  • What do you need more of in order to learn better? Less of?
  • If we had more time, what other topics would you like to study, projects/labs related to air and climate?

Viruses and Bacteria Week 8 Monday

  • How would you describe the life cycle of a virus? What does it look like? (draw or describe)
  • What's the difference(s) between the Lytic cycle and the Lysogenic cycle of a virus?
  • What do you think is a cause of different viruses spending different amounts of time in each cycle?
  • How would you describe the word host specific to a friend or family member?
  • After learning about virus life cycles, how has your thinking changed about vaccines?
  • After learning about viruses, what would you tell someone who wanted to take antibiotics for a cold or the flu?

Air Week 8 Monday

  • How has your thinking changed about indoor air quality? What questions do you still have about indoor air quality?
  • How do you think we could measure indoor air quality? How would you get the most reliable data? What steps would you have to take?
  • What do you know about the effects of air pollution?
  • What do you know about the respiratory system? What are the structures involved? How does it function?

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Math in Space Monday Week 2

  • What does the word luminosity mean? 
  • What do you know about stars? Where have you learned this information? What questions do you still have about stars?
  • Are all stars the same? What makes them alike? Different?
  • What new learning did you gain from the museum and planetarium visit on Thursday? What stuck with you most? What surprised you least?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Week 7 Thursday

  • What new learning have you gained about viruses this week?
  • What was the simulation about yesterday? 
  • Was this simulation an accurate way to analyze viral outbreaks? What did the data tell us? What were the limitations of this simulation? (what did the data not tell us?)
  • What words would you use to describe virus structure/function?
  • How has your thinking changed about viruses and outbreaks?
LINK for Simulation TASK

LINKS for Cartoon StripTASK

Air Week 7 Thursday

  • How do humans affect the outdoor air?
  • What impact do humans have on indoor air?
  • What is the Clean Air Act? Who does it affect? Why was it written?
  • Where does indoor air pollution come from? Why is it getting worse?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Wednesday Week 7

  • What was our simulation about yesterday?
  • Summarize what occurred during this simulation.
  • Was this simulation an accurate way to model virus outbreaks? What were its strengths? (what did it show)? What were its limitations? (what didn't it show)
  • What is a scientific reason a virus might  not spread like you think it would?
  • What factors do you think have the most impact on virus outbreaks? Explain your thinking.

Air Wednesday Week 7

  • What are important components of a solid claim? Explain your thinking.
  • When a peer reads your response, what do you want them to notice?
  • Why is it important to have peer-reviewed scientific claims/papers?
  • What is the strength of your writing for this piece so far? 
  • If you were to do this research process again, what would you do differently? What would you add? Remove?

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Math in Space Week 1 Tuesday

Part 1DO NOW prompts: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Write + think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • What did the article you read yesterday say about the processes that influence our universe? 
  • What words did the author use to describe the universe?--list at least 4.
  • If you could add a diagram, chart, map or image to help the readers of this article better understand it, what would you add? Describe your thinking.
  • What quantitative (number, statistics) information did the author use to describe space? (summarize)
  • What claim do you think the author was trying to make about space?
  • What was the strongest piece of evidence the author used to support his/her claim? Explain your thinking.

Part 2 Prompts: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Write + think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • What was the purpose of the lab you started?
  • What do you notice about your data so far? Is it reliable? What makes you sure or unsure?
  • Do you think this is an accurate way to model the expanding universe? Explain your thinking.
  • What is Hubble's Law? What does it look like? 
  • What did you know about the topic of deep space before this class? Where did you learn about it? 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Viruses Week 7 Tuesday

DO NOW: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Write + think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • What did the article you read yesterday say about the structure and/or function of viruses? 
  • What words did the author use to describe viruses?--list at least 4.
  • If you could add a diagram, chart, map or image to help the readers of this article better understand it, what would you add? Describe your thinking
    • What is the relationship between visual information and textual information? Do they always say the same thing? Explain your thinking.

Air Week 7 Tuesday

DO NOW: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Write + think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • Why is evidence important? 
  • What makes "good" evidence?
  • What does "sufficient" evidence mean? What does it look like?
  • Which type of evidence do you think is more effective at communiating a claim--quantitiative data (numbers, stats) or qualitative data (descriptions, quotes)? Explain your thinking. 
  • What factors affect indoor air quality?

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Air Week 7 Monday

DO NOW: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • Describe particulate matter--where does it come from? 
  • What processes/components help make acid rain? 
  • What did you find out about Denver air quality from your research? Were you surprised?
  • How would you describe photochemical smog to a friend or family member? What would be difficult for you to explain?
  • Do you think friends/family members would be surprised by your research findings?--explain your thinking.

Math in Space Week 1 Monday

Welcome to Math in Space! 

  1. Please choose a seat/table where you can be most successful. 
  2. Pick up a daily sheet from Ms Friedrich or Ms Christiansen
  3. PART 1 DO NOW: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Think + write for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled 

  • What do you need in order to be most successful in your learning? What do you need from your classmates? Teachers?
  • What do you expect of your classmates and teachers?
  • Why did you choose this class? 
  • What is math?
  • Why do we use math?
  • What math do you think is used in space?
  • What does it mean to evaluate something? Is it the same as solving?
  • How does your confidence in math affect your learning?

Part 2 Do Now Prompts:  Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Think + write for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled 
  • How are math and science connected? How are they different?
  • Why is evidence important? 
  • What makes "good" evidence?
  • What are your learning goals for this class? How will you know you've achieved them? What evidence will you have?
  • How old is our universe?--How do we know? What evidence do we have?

Viruses and Bacteria Week 7 Monday

DO NOW: Choose 3-4 questions/prompts. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

  • Describe the structures of a virus.
  • What structure(s) seems to be most important to virus function?
  • Are viruses alive? Support your thinking.
  • How do you think are viruses different from each other?
  • What do you think makes some viruses easier to contract? 
  • What do you think makes some viruses more infectious/hazardous?

1. Highlight 12 ideas in the text.
2. Annotate these ideas in the margins using one of the following thought starters:

  • This means that...
  • In other words, ....
  • This shows...
  • The author used this word to...
  • This is important because...
  • I would add...
  • I agree/disagree with this because...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Air Week 6 Thursday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe any new learning you've gained about air pollution/air quality. How has your thinking changed about the air? What did you know before starting this class? Where had you learned about air/air pollution before? 

2. What source has been most useful for your research? What piece of research seems to be most important or key to understanding the air quality in our area? If you had to write a claim based on your research about the air in our area what would you say? 

LINKS for Research TASK

Air Quality & Pollutants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has great online resources covering air quality issues (indoor and outdoor), pollutants (what they are, sources and regulations), as well as, teacher resources.
  • The basics of AQ:
  • Links to information on specific pollutants:
  • The home page for indoor air quality information:
  • Teacher resources developed by the EPA:
Resources on the Atmosphere and ClimateBelow are resources developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Homepage for UCARs “Learning Zone” resources:
  • Background information on the atmosphere:
  • Background information on the Earth’s climate:
  • CU’s “Learn More About Climate” site contains great resources on climate information, including videos and activities:

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Week 6 Thursday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe the vaccine debate. What are the arguments? What do you think about this debate? What questions do you have about vaccines?

2.  If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your poster? What grade would you give it? Why? What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work? In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards?

Rockets and Reactions Week 3 Thursday

Part 1 Prompts: (Choose questions to answer, write for 10 minutes and fill your DO Now box)

1. Did you do your work on your rocket the way other people did theirs?--In what ways did you do it differently?In what ways was your work or process similar?
2. If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your rocket/data? What grade would you give it? Why?
3. Is your data reliable? what makes you sure/unsure?
4. How would you use the words mole, yield, limiting reagent, and/or excess reagent to describe your rocket?

Part 2 Prompts: 

(Choose questions to answer, write for 10 minutes and fill your DO Now box)

1. This class helped me to...
2. This class needed more...
3. From the beginning to the end of the class, I ...
4. In this class, I am...
5. In this class, I feel...
6. I feel most confident about...
7. I am most confused by...
8. The most important thing I will take from the learning is..
9. This class was/was not challenging because...

Viruses and Bacteria Week 6 Wednesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What is a vaccine? Are all vaccines the same?--explain your thinking. Why do you think getting children vaccinated is so controversial?

2. How do you feel about your lab poster? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What are it's strengths? What are your goals for this poster?--what do you hope to communicate?

Air Week 6 Wednesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe air pollution. What are primary pollutants? Secondary pollutants? What's the difference? What are some examples?

2. Summarize your research. What has surprised you most? Least? Which question(s) have you found most difficult to answer? 

LINKS for Research TASK

Air Quality & Pollutants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has great online resources covering air quality issues (indoor and outdoor), pollutants (what they are, sources and regulations), as well as, teacher resources.
  • The basics of AQ:
  • Links to information on specific pollutants:
  • The home page for indoor air quality information:
  • Teacher resources developed by the EPA:
Resources on the Atmosphere and ClimateBelow are resources developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Homepage for UCARs “Learning Zone” resources:
  • Background information on the atmosphere:
  • Background information on the Earth’s climate:
  • CU’s “Learn More About Climate” site contains great resources on climate information, including videos and activities:

Rockets and Reactions Week 3 Wednesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

Part 1 Prompts:
1. Describe the labs from yesterday. What did these labs tell you about the energy produced by chemical reactions? What variables did you change?--what was the effect(s)?

2. How much did you know about chemical reactions before we started? Nuclear reactions? Has your thinking changed about these?--explain your thoughts (why/why not). What do you think chemical and nuclear reactions have to do with your own life?

Part 2: 
Describe your rocket engineering and data so far.  

  • What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them? 
  • What resources did you use while working on this?
  • How does your work compare/contrast with your classmates? 
  • In what ways do you think you need to improve?
  • What will you change in the next revision of this piece? 
  • What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you would like to try in your next trial?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Rockets and Reactions Week 3 Tuesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

Part 1 Prompts:
1. What new learning have you gained about nuclear reactions and chemical reactions? How has your thinking changed about nuclear/chemical reactions? What questions do you still have?

2. Describe the gallery walk you did yesterday. What was the purpose/goal of this task? Do you think you achieved the goal of this task? What would you modify/change/add/remove from this task to make it more meaningful for your learning?

Part 2 Prompts:
1. Describe stoichiometry. What does it look like (draw/describe)? What words would be most important to use when describing it? What would be the most difficult part for you to explain?

2. Describe the lab(s) you have done so far with rockets. What is the purpose/goal of these labs? How do these labs relate to what we've been studying in class? 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Air and Climate Week 6 Tuesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What is your progress on your research? What has been/will be the most difficult part for you? What is the purpose of doing this research?

2. Describe the air quality index. What does it mean? Where do the numbers come from? What information is necessary in order to calculate the air quality index of a location?

LINKS for Research TASK

Home Page |
Air Quality & Pollutants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has great online resources covering air quality issues (indoor and outdoor), pollutants (what they are, sources and regulations), as well as, teacher resources.
  • The basics of AQ:
  • Links to information on specific pollutants:
  • The home page for indoor air quality information:
  • Teacher resources developed by the EPA:
Resources on the Atmosphere and ClimateBelow are resources developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Homepage for UCARs “Learning Zone” resources:
  • Background information on the atmosphere:
  • Background information on the Earth’s climate:
  • CU’s “Learn More About Climate” site contains great resources on climate information, including videos and activities:

Viruses and Bacteria Week 6 Tuesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What is your progress on your lab poster? What has been/will be the most difficult part for you? What are your strengths of your lab data? Lab poster? What is the purpose of making this lab poster?

2. Describe the immune system. What would you say are the most important parts of the immune system?--explain your thinking. How would you describe the immune system to a friend or family member? Why do you think some people have stronger immune systems than others?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Rockets and Reactions Week 3 Monday part 2

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe nuclear reactions and energy. How do they work? How are they similar/different than chemical reactions? Are all nuclear reactions the same?--explain your thinking. What are the consequences/benefits of using nuclear energy?

2. Describe the article you read about Fukushima. What was the causes of the disaster? What were the effects of the nuclear energy? What words did the author use to describe Fukushima? 

Rockets and Reactions Week 3 Monday Part 1

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe your goals for this class. What do you hope to learn by the end? What steps do you you need to take to make this happen? How will you know you've accomplished your goal?--what evidence will you have?

2.  Describe your lab poster or extended response from before break. What are the strengths of your project? What evidence/data did you use to support your conclusions/claims? If you could add or change something what would it be and why? 

LINKS for poster TASK

Air Quality Week 6 Monday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe your goals for this class. What do you hope to learn by the end? What steps do you you need to take to make this happen? How will you know you've accomplished your goal?--what evidence will you have?

2. Describe your air quality research so far. What questions have you/will you research? Why did you choose these questions to research? What types of data or information do you think will best answer these questions?

LINKS for Research TASK

Home Page |
Air Quality & Pollutants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has great online resources covering air quality issues (indoor and outdoor), pollutants (what they are, sources and regulations), as well as, teacher resources.
  • The basics of AQ:
  • Links to information on specific pollutants:
  • The home page for indoor air quality information:
  • Teacher resources developed by the EPA:
Resources on the Atmosphere and ClimateBelow are resources developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Homepage for UCARs “Learning Zone” resources:
  • Background information on the atmosphere:
  • Background information on the Earth’s climate:
  • CU’s “Learn More About Climate” site contains great resources on climate information, including videos and activities:

Viruses and Bacteria Week 6 Monday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt. set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe your goals for this class. What do you hope to learn by the end? What steps do you you need to take to make this happen? How will you know you've accomplished your goal?--what evidence will you have?

2. Describe your bacteria growth lab. What scientific reason do you think explains your results? What questions does this bring up for you?--What would you research? 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Advisement Volunteer Day Sign-Up

Rockets and Reactions Week 2 Thursday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What would you tell a classmate about nuclear energy? What do you think about nuclear energy? What are the pros/cons? 

2. What is your current grade in this class? What is the reason you have this grade? What could you do to make it better? What could the teacher do?

Rockets and Reactions Thursday Week 2 Part 1

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What was the article you read yesterday about? What words did the author use to describe nuclear power? What statistics or examples did the author give? What did you think about the article?

2. What's the difference between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions?--explain at least 3 examples. Which produces more energy? Why do you think this is? 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Viruses and Bacteria Week 5 Wednesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. How would you describe the adaptive immune system to a classmate? What is the difference(s) between the adaptive and the innate immune system? Which do you think is more essential to maintaining health?--explain your thinking.

2. Describe your successes so far in this class. What has helped you be successful? How has your thinking about bacteria, viruses, and the immune system changed? What could you do to be more successful? Learn more?

Air and Climate Week 5 Wednesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe smog. What is it made of? How is it formed? Why do some places have worse smog than others? What key terms are involved in describing smog.

2. Describe your successes so far in this class. What has helped you be successful? How has your thinking about air, atmosphere, and climate changed? What could you do to be more successful? Learn more?

LINKS for Research TASK
Home Page |
Air Quality & Pollutants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has great online resources covering air quality issues (indoor and outdoor), pollutants (what they are, sources and regulations), as well as, teacher resources.
  • The basics of AQ:
  • Links to information on specific pollutants:
  • The home page for indoor air quality information:
  • Teacher resources developed by the EPA:
Resources on the Atmosphere and ClimateBelow are resources developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Homepage for UCARs “Learning Zone” resources:
  • Background information on the atmosphere:
  • Background information on the Earth’s climate:
  • CU’s “Learn More About Climate” site contains great resources on climate information, including videos and activities:

Rockets and Reactions Week 1 Wednesday Part 2

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. What were the simulations during part one about? What did they look like? (draw/describe) What's the point of doing a simulation in science? What type of data did you collect during the simulations?

2. Describe the iodine clock reaction. What steps were involved? What was your hypothesis? What do you think are the most important variables to keep constant?--explain your thinking.

Rockets and Reactions Wednesday Part 1 Week 1

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. How would you describe collision theory to a classmate? What would be the most important thing to tell them? What does it have to do with chemical reactions? How would you draw or describe what it looks like?

2. What has been your biggest success(es) so far in this class? What new learning have you gained? How has your thinking about chemical reactions changed? What could you do to be more successful? Learn more?

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Air and Climate Week 5 Tuesday

DO NOW Prompts: Choose at least one prompt set. Write/think for 10 minutes, until your DO NOW box is filled.

1. Describe the results of your survey. What surprised you most? Least? If you were to do this survey again, what would you do differently next time?

2. Describe what you know about air pollution. Where does it come from? What makes it worse? Better? Are there different types of pollution?--explain your thinking.