Sunday, January 27, 2019

Health and Homeostasis Week 3 Monday Sub Plans

  1. Do Now Questions: Choose 2-3 prompts. Fill your do now box!
    1. How effective is perspiration at cooling your body? What do you think the perspiration feedback loop looks like? What other mechanisms does your body use to cool itself?
    2. Describe your lab results. Were your results reliable? What makes you sure/unsure?
    3. What other labs or tests could you conduct to measure perspiration rates? What materials would you need?
  1. MINILesson. When you are finished with the do now, watch the following video clip and fill in your mini-lesson notes using the outline below. If you need headphones please ask the sub!
  1. Task:
1. Continue working on lab from last week--complete the graph (remember this will be a line graph) and the analysis questions.
2. If you were absent see a classmate to get data. 

  1. Clean-up and Catch of the Day
1. Please clean up around your tables and return all materials where you found them.
2. Complete a Catch of the Day and turn into the front basket.