Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 2

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the periodic table properties and patterns by labeling and coloring and will describe them in writing using technical vocabulary (atomic size, electronegativity, ionization energy, valence electrons, periods, groups, families).


  1. What are valence electrons? (book)
  2. What so you think is the most important particle in an atom? (brain)
  3. Atoms of which element have the most valence electrons?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. Neon (Ne)
  • B. Chlorine (Cl)
  • C. Oxygen (O)
  • D. Nitrogen (N)

  • Useful APEX sections for class today:

  • 1.3.1 page 12-13
  • 1.3.4 page 5, page 8, page 10

Label and color the following patterns and properties:
  • valence electrons
  • electronegativity
  • ionization energy
  • atomic radius (size)
  • 10 families (with a colored key)

Earth Science Unit 1 Day 1 continued

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the composition of the Earth by doing a foldable activity and will describe the layers of the Earth in writing using technical language (lithosphereasthenospheremesosphereinner coreouter corecrust).


  1. Why do layers of the earth move? (book)
  2. Which layer of the earth moves the most? (book or brain)
  3. About how often do Earth's magnetic poles reverse?

Answer Choices for number 3:
  • A. Every billion years
  • B. Every 100 million years
  • C. Every 250,000 years
  • D. Every 22 years

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 2

Learning Objective: Students will learn about phases of matter by doing a simulation and will analyze and interpret data in writing using technical vocabulary (kinetic energy, intermolecular forces, solid, liquid, gas, molecules, temperature).


  1. Is the kinetic energy in a solid high or low? Explain why you think so. (book or brain)
  2. Are the intermolecular forces in a solid strong or weak? Explain why you think so. (book or brain)
  3. What does a high boiling point temperature indicate about a substance?

Answer Choices for number 3:
  • A. The pressure over the liquid is very low.
  • B. Little heat has been added to the system.
  • C. Chemical bond energy is very high.
  • D. Intermolecular forces are hard to overcome.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 1

Learning Objective: Studnets will learn about atoms and the periodic table by completing study guides and will summarize their learning in writing using technical language (electron, neutron, atomic number, atomic mass, proton, nucleus, orbitals).


  1. What is the periodic table (book or brain).
  2. How is the periodic table arranged? (book or brain)
  3. Which of the following are correct statements?

Answer choices for number 3:
Check all that apply.
  • A. An electron is a negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus.
  • B. A proton is a positively charged particle that orbits the nucleus.
  • C. A neutron is a neutral particle in the nucleus.
  • D. An electron is a neutral particle in the nucleus.

Earth Science Unit 1 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the composition of the Earth by doing a foldable activity and will describe the layers of the Earth in writing using technical language (lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, inner core, outer core, crust).


  1. What is the  the Earth is made of? (book)
  2. Do you think the surface of Earth changes? explain your answer. (brain)
  3. Why is the inner core a solid, even though it has a higher temperature than the outer core, which is a liquid?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. The inner core is more easily deformed than the outer core.
  • B. The inner core contains mostly silicon.
  • C. The inner core is under more pressure than the outer core.
  • D. The inner core is under less pressure than the outer core.

Links for Describing Layer of Earth:

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about states of matter by completing a textbook reading and will analyze the text in writing using technical language (solid, liquid, gas, intermolecular forces, properties, density, ductility, conductivity). 


  1. What are the 3 (or 4) states of matter? (book)
  2. What are 3 properties of matter? (book)
  3. Which is the best summary of the kinetic theory?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
  • B. Atoms and molecules are always in motion.
  • C. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  • D. Atomic motion is constant at all temperatures.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Earth Science Unit 5 Day 2 TST day

Learning Objective: Students will learn about climate change over time by graphing data and will analyze and interpret data in writing using science ideas (cause and effect, processes and parts).


  1. What is the greenhouse effect? (book)
  2. What is the cause and effect of the greenhouse effect? (book)
  3. What effect do you think volcanoes have on the climate? (brain)

Biology Unit 4 Day 2 TST day

Learning Objective: Students will learn about changes to species and populations by gathering data and will analyze and interpret data in writing using technical and academic vocabulary (mutations, mechanism, adaptations, ecosystem, natural selection, genetic variation, cause and effect)


  1. How do fossils provide evidence for changes to species and populations (book or brain)?
  2. What does the word mechanism mean (in science or biology)? (book)
  3. What is a scientific theory?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. An idea supported by evidence
  • B. A hypothesis
  • C. An educated guess
  • D. An experiment

Links for class today

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Earth Science Unit 5 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about climate change by reading an article and will analyze and interpret the effect of climate change in writing using technical and academic language (climate change, greenhouse gases, impact, natural phenomena) and science ideas (cause and effect).


  1. What is climate? (book)
  2. What was the climate of earth like millions of years ago? Hot? Cold? (book or brain)
  3. What do you think has caused the climate of earth to change? (brain)

Biology Unit 4 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about changes over time by reading an article and will analyze and interpret the article using main ideas, evidence and technical vocabulary (mutation, adaptation, natural selection, population, species, mechanism). 


  1. How do populations achieve balance? (book or brain)
  2. What are the benefits of changes to species and populations? (brain)
  3. A scientist studies a species of bird in which the males and females are about the same size. The females have plain colors and the males have bright colors. What can the scientist conclude about these birds?
Answer choices for number 3:

  • A. The females choose mates.
  • B. The birds reproduce asexually.
  • C. The males choose mates.
  • D. The males compete to fertilize.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Earth Science Unit 3 TST lab

  1. Pick up 2 sticky notes.
  2. On each sticky note, write 1 thing that has "stuck" with you or stuck in your brain from Unit 3 about water.
  3. Stick your sticky notes to the white board.

Biology Unit 4

Learning Objective: Students will learn about changes over time by analyzing data in writing using technical vocabulary (microevolution, macroevolution, mutation, speciation).


  1. Google search "peppered moths". Explain what happened to the peppered moth population after a couple months.
  2. Google search "dinosaurs reptiles". Summarize the changes in dinosaurs over time. (2-3 bullet points)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Earth Science Unit 3 TST

  1. Pick up a lab handout from Ms Friedrich
  2. Research a diagram of an aquifer.
  3. In the first box, draw a diagram of an aquifer.
  4. Label the following in your diagram: impermeable layer, saturated zone, unsaturated zone, water table, surface.

Biology Unit 3 TST day

  1. Pick up a graphic organizer from Ms Friedrich.
  2. Fill in the following information:
  • Question box: Are changes important for species and populations? Give evidence and reasoning to support.
  • Source box 1: Natural Selection Simulation
  • Source box 2: Bird Beak Lab Simulation
  • Source box 3: Study Guide

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Biology Unit 3 CST day


  1. What do you think the 2 big ideas from Unit 3 are? (brain)
  2. How well do you think you could explain natural selection? Explain why you think so. (brain)
  3. Which is part of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. Small changes add up over many generations.
  • B. Animals have no variation among themselves.
  • C. Adaptations cannot be passed along to later generations.
  • D. All animals in a population are able to reproduce.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Earth Science Unit 3 CST day

Learning Objective: Students will learn about water use and supply by orally analyzing a video using sentence starters and academic language (cause, effect, efficient, sustainable, quality, groundwater, aquifer).


  1. What makes some aquifers different than others? (book)
  2. Do you think Denver's water is higher or lower quality than the water in other parts of the country? (brain)
  3. What is your opinion on water use and supply in the US? (brain)

Biology Unit 3 Day 5

Learning Objective: Students will learn about population dynamics by doing a simulation to model cause and effect and will analyze their data in writing using technical vocabulary: adaptations, natural selection, fitness, carrying capacity, mutations, ecosystem


  1. What causes a population to reach carrying capacity? (book)
  2. Why is the human population growing exponentially? (book or brain)
  3. Why is it impossible for exponential growth to continue forever?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. Organisms start to compete for resources.
  • B. Mutations happen randomly in organisms.
  • C. Most ecosystems have unlimited water supplies.
  • D. A population has no genetic diversity.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Earth Science Unit 3 Day 3 (Part 2)

Learning Objective: Students will learn about water use and supply by analyzing data in writing using academic vocabulary sustainableefficientdevelopmentrenewable resource
nonrenewable resource, aquifer.


  1. Do you think water is a renewable or a nonrenewable resource? (brain)
  2. What is the function of an aquifer? (book)
  3. How do we access or store water in the US? List at least 3 ways (book)

Biology Unit 3 Day 4 (Part 2)

Learning Objective: Students will learn about species diversity by analyzing and 

interpreting data in writing using technical vocabulary (mutationsnatural 

selectionselection pressureadaptationecosystem) and science ideas (cause 

and effect).


  1. What causes populations of species to change?
  2. Do you think changes are important for a species?

A population of beetles are kept in a controlled ecosystem. No beetles are allowed to enter or leave. The graph below shows the population of beetles.

Which best describes the ecosystem at Point A?
  • A. There is no competition for resources.
  • B. It has reached carrying capacity.
  • C. The death rate is higher than the birthrate.
  • D. The population is decreasing.