Monday, March 21, 2016

Earth Science Unit 1 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the composition of the Earth by doing a foldable activity and will describe the layers of the Earth in writing using technical language (lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, inner core, outer core, crust).


  1. What is the  the Earth is made of? (book)
  2. Do you think the surface of Earth changes? explain your answer. (brain)
  3. Why is the inner core a solid, even though it has a higher temperature than the outer core, which is a liquid?

Answer choices for number 3:
  • A. The inner core is more easily deformed than the outer core.
  • B. The inner core contains mostly silicon.
  • C. The inner core is under more pressure than the outer core.
  • D. The inner core is under less pressure than the outer core.

Links for Describing Layer of Earth:

Exit Ticket for Day 1:
  • What was today's learning activity about? (summarize)
  • Why did we do this learning activity? (describe)