Thursday, October 31, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will interpret and analyze inheritance patterns in order to determine traits in offspring using a lab activity and punnett squares and the following vocabulary: dominant trait, recessive trait, genotype, phenotype, heterozygous and homozygous.

1) What is produced by mitosis? Meiosis?
2) What is a monohybrid cross? Give an example.
3) What is a dihybrid cross? Give an example.

Exit Ticket:
What can punnett squares tell us? Draw a sample and write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining your answer. Include 2 of the following terms in your response: homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, dominant allele, recessive allele.

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will make connections between faults/boundaries and earthquakes and volcanic activity on a lab inquiry activity using the words S waves, P waves, subducted, strike-slip fault, normal fault, reverse fault, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, ocean ridges, and ocean trenches.

1) What is a p-wave? s-wave?
2) Which type of waves causes the most damage? why?
3) What's the difference between p-waves and s-waves?

Physcial Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will interpret and label periodic table trends on a periodic table using the words reactivity, valence electrons, ionization energy, electronegativity.

1) How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does 1 atom of Carbon contain?
2) What subatomic particle determines the charge on an atom?
3) What is the charge on an atom if it has 12 protons, 13 electrons and 12 neutrons? What is this element?

Exit Ticket
Which element is more reactive, carbon or flourine? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining how you know. Use the word valence electrons or atomic radius in your response. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will interpret and analyze inheritance patterns in order to determine traits in offspring using a lab activity and punnett squares and the following vocabulary: dominant trait, recessive trait, genotype, phenotype, heterozygous and homozygous.

1. Describe what determines someone's genotype and phenotype.
2. How are genes and alleles related?

Exit Ticket
Today we talked about why you look the way you do. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining this; use at least 2 of the following words in your response: heterozygous, homozygous, recessive allele, dominant allele, genotype, phenotype.

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will make connections between plate movement and volcanoes and earthquakes on TST using the words subduction, strike-slip fault, normal fault, reverse fault, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, continental crust, oceanic crust.

1) What is the theory of continental drift?
2) Why do plates move?
3) What causes volcanoes to form? Earthquakes?

Exit Ticket:
Why do plates move? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph; use at least 2 of the following terms in your explanation: plate boundaries, faults, asthenosphere, lithosphere, mantle, crust.

Physical Science Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will diagram and distinguish periodic table properties on posters and notes.

1) What is electronegativity?
2) What is ionization?
3) Where is ionization highest on the periodic table?

Exit Ticket:
Summarize what you have learned about the patterns on the periodic table. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (topic sentence plus 2 details). Use at least 2 of the following terms in your summary: valence electrons, electronegativity, ionization energy, metals, non-metals.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will explain how DNA passes from one cell to another during mitosis and meiosis through posters and notes using the words diploid,  haploid, interphase, metaphase, prophase, anaphase, and telophase

1. What is the purpose of mitosis?
2. What occurs during mitosis?
3. What is the purpose of meiosis?

Exit Ticket
Today in  class we talked about the processes of making new cells. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph summarizing what you learned about mitosis and meiosis. 

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Make connections between faults/boundaries and earthquakes and volcanic activity through class notes/posters using the words convergent boundary, divergent boundary, transform boundary, subduction, strike-slip fault, normal fault, reverse fault, ocean ridge, ocean trench.

1. Name three types of plate boundaries.
2. Describe what occurs one of these boundaries.
3. What’s the difference between a boundary and a fault?

Exit Ticket
Today in class we discussed boundaries and faults. Not all boundaries and faults are created equal; why not? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use at least green 2 words from the day starter in your explanation.

Physical Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will diagram and distinguish periodic table properties on posters and notes.

1) How is the periodic table organized?
2) List 3 pieces of information a periodic table can tell us.
3) List 3 pieces of information found in one box for one element.

Exit Ticket
Today we discussed how the periodic table is arranged. How is the periodic table organized? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use at least 2 of the following words in your paragraph: metals, non-metals, reactivity, ionization energy, electronegativity, metalloids, groups, periods.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 1 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will describe the structure and function of DNA by completing assignments using the words nucleic acids, tetrad, sister chromatid, chromosomes, alleles, genes, gamete, and sex chromosomes.

1. Write 3 sentences about DNA.

2. What are chromosomes?

Exit Ticket
Today in class we talked about chromosomes. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph describing chromosomes. Use at least 2 of the following terms: genes, alleles, DNA, traits, sex chromosomes.

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter

Objective: Students will describe the layers of the earth using assignments and the words outer core, inner core, oceanic crust, continental crust, mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere, and mesosphere.

1. Draw a diagram of the layers of Earth’s foundation…label the layers with the words outer core, inner core, mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere, and mesosphere.
2. Which layers are liquid? Solid?

Exit Ticket
Today in class we discussed the earth beneath your feet. Discuss the earths layers in a perfect 3 sentence paragraph with a sentence starter. Use at least 2 unit 1 vocabulary words in your paragraph. 

physical science 2 unit 1

Day Starter

Objective: Students will illustrate and explain elements on the periodic table using the words: neutrons, protons, electrons, valence electrons, octet rule, energy shells/levels, atomic number, atomic mass.

1) What was Dimitri Mendeleev's contribution to science?
2) What did Rutherford think about the atom?
3) What did Dalton think about matter?

Exit Ticket
Draw a diagram of an atom. Include the following terms in your diagram: neutron, proton, electron. Describe (perfect 3 sentence paragraph) your diagram.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Biology Unit 5 for Thursday

Objective Students will define, describe and diagram human body systems using posters and notes.
Day Starter 

  1. List 4 parts of the female reproductive system.
  2. List 4 parts of the male reproductive system.
  3. Where does sperm mature? Where are eggs stored?
Exit Ticket 
Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph describing how the immune system protects your body. Include one of the following terms in your description: helper T cells, killer T cells, b cells, antibodies, memory T cells, immunity. 

Earth Science Unit 5 for Thurs

Objective Students will review and evaluate their knowledge of the Earth's energy resources on unit cst.
Day Starter 
  1. What are renewable resources? Give 3 examples.
  2. Where do fossil fuels come from? Give 2 examples.
Exit Ticket

Physical Science Unit 5 for Thursday

Objective Students will define, describe and diagram the motion of waves on posters and cornell notes.
Day Starter 
1. What is amplitude of a wave?
2. What is speed of a wave? How do you calculate it?
3. What is frequency of a wave? 
Exit Ticket
Draw a diagram and label 4 parts of a wave. Describe waves. (Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph).

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Biology Unit 5 Day Starter and Exit Ticket for Wed

Day Starter
1) List 5 organs in the digestive system.
2) List 5 parts of the brain.
3) List 5 parts of lungs and/or heart.

Exit Ticket
Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (at least) describing the parts and functions of one body system you learned about in class today.

Earth Science Unit 5 Day Starter and Exit Ticket Wed

Day Starter
1) What is logistical population growth?
2) What is exponential population growth?
3) What causes populations to reach carrying capacity?

Exit Ticket
Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph analyzing sustainability--what is it? How do we increase it? 

Physical Science Day Starter and Exit Ticket Wed

Day Starter
1) What is kinetic energy?
2) What is potential energy?
3) How do you calculate kinetic and potential energy?

Exit Ticket
Machines make work easier, this is called mechanical advantage. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph (or more) reflecting on simple machines you use in your everyday life. Discuss at least 3 and justify how they make your life easier.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Physical Science Unit 4 Exit Ticket 4

What is mechanical advantage? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph including the equation to calculate mechanical advantage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Exit Ticket 2

In order to figure out how old our Earth is we use radioactive isotopes. How do we use radioactive isotopes to figure out the ages of fossils and rocks?

Physical Science 1 Unit 4 Exit Ticket 3

What is power? How does power relate to work? Draw a diagram of work and power.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

biology 2 unit 4 exit ticket 2

Classification of living things is based on similar traits and DNA evidence. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph elaborating on the ways in which scientist classify organisms. Use at least 1 of the following words: Linnean Classification, domains, cladistics, cladogram.

Physical Science Unit 4 Exit Ticket 2

A compact car with a mass of 1,000 kg, traveling at 15 m/s, run into - and sticks to - an at-rest SUV of 2,200 kg. What is the final velocity of the 2 cars? Give the equation you used, explain why you used this equation, then solve.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 4 Exit Ticket 1

Unit 4 is all about evolution, change in populations over time. What causes evolution? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph describing why evolution happens. Use 2 vocabulary words in your response.

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Exit Ticket 1

In unit 4 we've talked about having an old Earth. How do we know our Earth is old? Write a 3 sentence paragraph and include 2 vocabulary words you took notes on today.

Physcial Science Unit 4 Exit Ticket 1

So far in unit 4 we have discussed momentum and collisions. Write a perfect 3 sentence (at least) paragraph describing why we should care about momentum. Include the word velocity, collisions and an example in your description.