Thursday, January 29, 2015

Biology Unit 2 Day 5

Objective: Synthesize information about themes of biology in writing using claim-evidence-reasoning.


  1. Do you think the plant transpiration lab we did relates to the themes of biology? Explain why you think so.
  2. Summarize what you've learned in unit 2.

Chemistry Unit 3 Day 1

Objective: Summarize unit 3 content in writing using vivid science vocabulary and transitions.


  1. Summarize what you learned in unit 2 (from apex or from lab). 
  2. What do you think is the definition of matter? Atoms?

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 5

Objective: Synthesize information about patterns in the periodic table using Claim-Evidence-Reasoning.


  1. Do you think the periodic table is organized into patterns and trends? Explain why you think so.
  2. Summarize (2 bullet points) what you have learned in unit 1.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Physical Science Unit 1 Day 4

Objective: Describe and interpret trends in the periodic table using claim-evidence-reasoning.


  1. Describe the electronegativity trend on the periodic table. (use your periodic table or see 1.3.4 p 5)
  2. Describe the reactivity trend on the periodic table. (use your periodic table or see apex 1.3.4 p 10)

Biology Unit 2 Day 4

Objective: Interpret data about the themes of biology in writing using vivid vocabulary.


  1. What errors could effect your data in lab?
  2. How does the rate of plant transpiration relate to the themes of biology?

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 4

Objective: Synthesize data and draw conclusions about the scientific process in writing using claim-evidence-reasoning.

  1. What makes scientific data reliable? 
  2. What might cause errors in science experiments?
  3. Is the scientific process useful/helpful for obtaining data? 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Biology Unit 2 Day 3

Objective: Synthesize data and information about biology in writing using claim-evidence-reasoning.

Do Now Questions:

  1. Pick up a lab handout from Ms Friedrich.
  2. Read and answer the 2 pre-lab questions on the second page.

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 3

Objective: Evaluate the scientific process in writing using Claim-Evidence-Reasoning.

Do Now:

  1. Do you think temperature changes during chemical reactions?
  2. What is qualitative data? Quantitative? (apex 2.3.1 p 3-4)

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 3

Objective: Interpret and synthesize trends and patterns in the periodic table using Claim-Evidence-Reasoning.

Do Now Questions:

  1. What do you think makes atoms unstable?
  2. Which atoms on the periodic table are most unstable? Least?
  3. How can I tell the number of valence electrons using the periodic table?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Biology 1 Unit Day 2 CST Day

Objective: Take the unit 2 CST using the diagnostic and APEX. 

Do Now Question:

  • Give an example of each of the 4 themes of biology.

Chemistry Unit 2 CST Day

Objective: Take the Unit 2 CST using APEX and the diagnostic.

Do Now Questions:

  1. Why do you think the scientific process helps get reliable data?
  2. What is bias in an experiment? How does it affect results? (see apex 2.1.4 17)

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 CST Day

Objective: Take the unit 1 CST using APEX and diagnostic.

Do Now Questions:
  1. What do you think makes an atom or element reactive? Why are some more reactive than others?
  2. What is the octet rule? (see apex 1.3.1 p 7)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Biology 1 Unit 2 Day 2

Objective: Describe major themes in biology in writing using transitions.

Do Now Questions:

  1. What makes scientific data reliable? 
  2. What are the 4 themes of biology? (see apex 2.2.1 p 14)

Chemistry 1 Unit 2 Day 2

Objective: Describe the scientific process in writing using transitions and vocabulary.

Do Now Questions:

  1. Give an example of a pattern that occurs in nature.
  2. What is matter? (see apex key terms)

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 2

Objective: Describe the periodic table patterns and trends in writing using vivid science vocabulary.

Do Now:

  1. Why do you think electrons are so important to an atom?
  2. What are valence electrons? Why are they important? (see APEX 1.3.1 p 4)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chemistry 1 Unit 2 Day 1

Objective: Summarize unit 1 content in writing using vivid science vocabulary.

Do Now Questions:
  1. What is a scientist?
  2. What do scientists study?
  3. How can chemistry help and hurt society or the environment?

Biology 1 Unit 2 Day 1

Objective: Summarize unit 1 content in writing using vivid science vocabulary.

Do Now Questions:
  1. What is a scientist?
  2. What do scientists study?
  3. What characteristics do all living things share?

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 2

Objective: Describe how the periodic table is organized in writing using vivid science vocabulary.

Do Now Questions:

  1. What observations can you make about the numbers, order, symbols, colors on the periodic table?
  2. What is a pattern? Do you think theres a pattern in the periodic table?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chemistry 1 Unit 1 Day 1

Objective: Describe and define in writing unit 1 concepts and vocabulary using transitions.

Do Now Questions:
  1. What went well for you during quarter 2?
  2. What are your goals for school quarter 3?
  3. What do you need to do to reach your goals? What should Ms Friedrich do to help?

Biology 1 Unit 1 Day 1

Objective: Describe and define in writing unit 1 concepts and vocabulary using transitions.

Do Now Questions:

  1. What went well for you during quarter 2?
  2. What are your goals for school quarter 3?
  3. What do you need to do to reach your goals? What should Ms Friedrich do to help?

Physical Science 2 Unit 1 Day 1

Objective: Describe and define in writing unit 1 concepts and vocabulary using transitions.

Do Now Questions:

  1. What went well for you during quarter 2?
  2. What are your goals for school quarter 3?
  3. What do you need to do to reach your goals? What should Ms Friedrich do to help?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Day 5 Lab Day

Objective: Interpret and evaluate a model of the greenhouse effect in writing using cited evidence.

Do Now:

  • Get a lab hand-out from Ms Friedrich.
  • Answer questions 1 and 4 on the pre-lab discussion.

Earth Science 1 Unit 4 Day 5

Objective: Interpret and evaluate a model of the greenhouse effect in writing using cited evidence.

Do Now:

  • Get a lab hand-out from Ms Friedrich.
  • Answer questions 1 and 4 on the pre-lab discussion.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Physical Science 2 Unit 4 Day 4

Objective: Create a structure and synthesize data in writing about thermodynamics using Claim-Evidence-Reasoning.

Do Now

  1. What is convection?
  2. What is radiation?
  3.  Describe latent heat.

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Day 4 CST day

Objective: Take the unit 4 CST.

Do Now (Review Questions!!)

  1. Why have scientist not found any rock from early precambrian era? (APEX 4.2.1 p 2)
  2. What do scientists think caused the dinosaurs to die out? (APEX 4.2.2 p 8)

Earth Science 1 Unit 4 Day 4 CST Day

Objective: Take the unit 4 CST

Do Now: (Review questions!!)
1) Describe a convection cycle. (APEX 4.3.1 p 8)
2) List 2 factors that remove carbon dioxide from the air. (APEX 4.2.1 p 4-5)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Physical Science 2 Unit 4 Day 3

Objective: Interpret data about phase changes in writing using cited evidence (from mini-lab activity).

Do Now:

  1. Describe one positive thing that happened during your holiday break.
  2.  If Ms Friedrich's science classes were less APEX and more lab would you: be more likely to come to class? Be more interested in science? Learn more? EXPLAIN why you think so.
  3. What were we studying before break?? List 3 things.

Earth Science 2 Unit 4 Day 3

Objective: Describe the major events through geological history in writing using transitions and vivid vocabulary.

Do Now:

  1. Describe one positive thing that happened during your holiday break.
  2.  If Ms Friedrich's science classes were less APEX and more lab would you: be more likely to come to class? Be more interested in science? Learn more? EXPLAIN why you think so.
  3. What were we studying before break?? List 3 things.

Earth Science 1 Unit 4 Day 3

Objective: Explain the importance of cycles in the atmosphere in writing using cited evidence (from APEX).

Do Now:

  1. Describe one positive thing that happened during your holiday break.
  2.  If Ms Friedrich's science classes were less APEX and more lab would you: be more likely to come to class? Be more interested in science? Learn more? EXPLAIN why you think so.
  3. What were we studying before break?? List 3 things.