Thursday, November 21, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 3 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will illustrate and explain characteristics of biomes and ecosystems on posters using the words tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, freshwater ecosystems (aphotic zone, photic zone), keystone species, primary disturbances, secondary disturbances, and invasive species.

1) List 3 different biomes on earth. Where are they located?
2) List 3 different types of ecosystems on earth. Where are they located?
3) What is a keystone species?

Exit Ticket
Organisms live in different places on earth. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph using the following sentence starter "There are many different types of environments..." and at least 2 green words from the objective in your writing.

Earth Science 2 Unit 3 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective Students will define and describe types of rocks using assignments and the words igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock

1) What are 2 types of igneous rock?
2) What are 2 types of metamorphic rock?
3) In what 2 ways sedimentary rock is formed?

Exit Ticket
Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph about types of rocks using the following sentence starter, "There are 3 types of rocks..." and 2 words from the objective.

Physical Science 2 Unit 3 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will illustrate and explain types of chemical reactions by completing assignments and using the words single replacement, double replacement, neutralization, combination, decomposition, combustion.

1) What are the reactants in a chemical reaction? What are the products in a chemical reaction? Give an example.
2) What happens in a combustion reaction? Give an example.
3) What happens in a neutralization reaction? Give an example.

Exit Ticket
Compare and contrast 2 types of chemical reactions. Finish the following sentence starter, "Two types of chemical reactions are..." and include 2 types of chemical reactions from the objective (in green).

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Earth Science 2 Unit 3 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will define and describe types of rocks by completing assignments using the words igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock.

1) List 3 types of rock. Give an example of each.
2) How is sedimentary rock formed?
3) How is metamorphic rock formed?

Physical Sceince 2 Unit 3 Day 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will diagram and distinguish types of chemical reactions on posters and cornell notes and using the words single replacement, double replacement, neutralization, combination, decomposition, dissociation.

1) List 6 types of chemical reactions.
2) What is a chemical reaction?
3) What are 3 signs a chemical reaction has occurred?

Exit Ticket:
What is a chemical reaction? Use the following sentence starter, "There are 6 types of chemical reactions..." and write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Explain at least 1 green word from the objective in your paragraph.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2 Day 6

Day Starter
Objective: Students will construct models and demonstrate learning on TST and CST using all the words green words from the unit tracker.

Question: (REVIEW!!)
1) What are four steps in using DNA to make proteins?
2) What is transduction?
3) What is DNA replication?

Exit Ticket
Finish the following sentence on the whiteboard, "I wonder..." or "Protein synthesis is..." and use 1 green word from the unit tracker.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 6

Day Starter
Objective: Students will analyze and extrapolate data on graphs and maps and demonstrate their learning on TST and CST using all the words from the word window.

Question: (REVIEW!!!)
1) Each step on the richter scale is __________ times stronger. 
2) What is a gouyot? 
3) Where do ocean trenches form?

Exit Ticket
Finish the following sentence on the whiteboard "I wonder..." OR "Mountains form because..." Use at least 1 word from the word window.

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 6

Day Starter
Objective: Students will draw conclusions and demonstrate learning on unit TST and CST using all the vocabulary from the word wall.

Question: (REVIEW!!)
1) What role does electronegativity play in creating bonds?
2) What is a polyatomic ion or compound? Give an example.
3) How many bonds does carbon form? 

Exit Ticket
Finish the following sentence on the whiteboard "The periodic table..." OR "I wonder...". Include at least 1 word from the word window.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2 Day 6

Day Starter
Objective: Students will predict and produce the outcomes of transcription and translation using a lab activity and the words codons, amino acids, tRNA, mRNA, frameshift mutation, missense mutation, silent mutation, point mutation.

1. What is a frame-shift mutation?
2. What’s the difference between a silent mutation and a frame-shift mutation?
3. Are amino acids affected by point mutations? Explain.

Exit Ticket:
Finish the following sentence on the white board, "I wonder..." OR "Protein synthesis is a process that..." Sign your initials next to your sentence.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 5

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will analyze and extrapolate topographic data on the unit TST.

1) What is the Richter scale?
2) What causes eskers?
3) What causes horn peaks?

Exit Ticket:
Finish the following sentence on the white board: "I wonder..." or "Mountains form because...". Sign your initials after your sentence.

Phsysical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 5

Day Starter
Objective: Students will construct and compare compounds and molecules on a TST.

1) List the oxidation state of the following elements carbon, oxygen, flourine.
2) Carbon will form covalent bonds because ....
3) Water is a polar molecule because ...

Exit Ticket
Finish the following sentence on the board, "I wonder..." or "The pattern I've noticed..." Write your initials after your sentence. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will diagram and describe viruses and bacteria on vocab charts and notes using the words capsid, pilus, transduction, transformation, conjugation, lytic cycle, lysogenic cycle, bacteriophage. 

1) What is a virus? Give an example.
2) What is a bacteria? Give an example.
3) How do viruses and bacteria transfer DNA and genetic information?

Exit Ticket:
How do viruses and bacteria compare and contrast? Use the following topic sentence starter "Viruses and bacteria are different because..." and 2 green words from the objective in your perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Day Starter
Objective: Students will analyze and interpret glacial landforms by completing the TST using the words horn peak, terminal moraine, kettle, drumlin, esker glacial valley, cirque, u-shaped valley, physical weathering.

1) What is physical weathering?
2) What is a u-shaped valley? How do they form?
3) What is a kettle lake? Give an example of a kettle lake in the U.S.

Exit Ticket:
How do glaciers shape the landscape? Use the following topic sentence starter, "Horn peaks, moraines, and cirques are all..." and the following vocabulary in your perfect 3 sentence paragraph physical weathering.

Physical Science 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Day Starter
Objective: Students will diagram and describe Lewis Dot Structures and bonding on a group 3,2,1 chart using the words ionic bond, covalent bond, oxidation number, valence electrons, electronegativity.

1) What is oxidation number? Give an example.
2) When do ionic bonds form? Between what elements?
3) When do covalent bonds form? Between what elements?

Exit Ticket:
What do oxidation numbers have to do with chemical bonding? Use the following topic sentence starter "Oxidation numbers are related to bonds because...." and the words valence electrons and Lewis Dot Structures to write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2

Day Starter
Objective: Students will summarize the steps of transcription and translation using a step-by-step decoding/recoding worksheet and the words condon, anti-codon, amino acids, mRNA, tRNA.

1) What does transcription do?
2) What does translation create?
3) What is the role of codons and anti-codons?

Exit Ticket
Finish the following sentence starter "Transcription and translation, the process of making proteins, is..." Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph. Use 2 of the following words condon, anti-codon, amino acids, mRNA, tRNA.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will explain and illustrate volcanoes and glacier landforms by watching video clips and taking notes using the words caldera, pelean, pyroclastic, subduction zones, plinian eruption, cone volcanoes.

1) List 4 types of volcanic eruptions.
2) Which type of volcanic eruption is the most violent? Least violent?
3) List 4 landforms formed by glaciers.

Exit Ticket:
Today in class we talked about fire and ice. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph by finishing the following sentence "Volcanoes, a product of plate movement, are...". Use the words pyroclastic flow and Hawaiian eruption in your paragraph.

Physical Science 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will diagram and describe Lewis Dot structures and bonding on practice charts in groups using the words ionic bond, covalent bond, valence electrons.

1) What are Lewis Dot Structures?
2) Give an example of a Lewis Dot structure.
3) What do Lewis Dot Structures have to do with valence electrons?

Exit Ticket:
Describe Lewis Dot structures. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining what they are and what information they show. Use the sentence starter "Lewis Dot Structures, diagrams of valence electrons, show..." and the words ionic bond and molecules.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Students will describe DNA replication, transcription and translation using videos and notes and using the words proteins, RNA polymerase, protein synthesis, amino acids, tRNA, complementary base pairs, transcription, and translation and codons.

1. What is DNA replication?
2. Why do cells undergo DNA replication?
3. What occurs during protein synthesis?

Exit Ticket: 
How is DNA used to make you? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph and use at least 2 green words from the objective in your writing. 

Earth Science 2 Unit 2

Day Starter
Objective: Students will define and distinguish mountain and ocean formation by completing posters and notes and using the words fault-block mountains, faulting/folding, arc-continent mountains, passive margins, active margins, terrane accretion, ocean trench, abyssal plain, and seamount, Andean Mountains, Alleutian Mountains. 

1) How were the Himalayan Mountians formed?
2) What occurs at passive margins?
3) What causes ocean trenches to form?

Exit Ticket:
How are mountains formed? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph, incorporate at least one of the green vocabulary words from the objective in your response.

Physical Science 2 Unit 2

Day Starter 
Objective: Students will illustrate and explain chemical bonding by completing assignments using the words ionic bond, covalent bond, polar molecule, metallic bond, electronegativity, valence electron, compounds, ions, cations, anions.

1) What is the difference between and ionic bond and a covalent bond?
2) If an atom has 6 valence electrons will it gain electrons or lose electrons to make 8? What will its charge be?
3) What is an anion? Cation?

Exit Starter
What is an ionic bond? Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph and use 2 of the following words in your response: cation, anion, ion, electronegativity.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Objective: Students will define and describe the structure and function of DNA and RNA by completing assignments of their choice and using the words adenine, thymine, uracil, nucleotides, nucleic acids, cytosine, guanine, mRNA, tRNA, complementary base pairs.

1. What are nucleotides?
2. What nucleotides are found in DNA?
3. Describe what DNA looks like.

Exit Ticket:
Today we introduced DNA. What does DNA look like? Draw a diagram and write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph describing what DNA looks like. Use 2 of the green words from your day starter in your paragraph.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2

Day Starter:
Students will define and distinguish types of mountains and ocean features by completing assignments and using the words fault-block, Aleutian, faulting, arc-continent, passive margins, active margins, terrane accretion, ocean trench, abyssal plain, and seamount. 

1) How do mountains form? 
2) What is a fault-block mountian?
3)  What is a arc-continent mountain?

Exit Ticket:
Today we introduced the formation of mountains. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining what causes mountains to form. Use 2 green words from the day starter in your paragraph.

Physcial Sicience 2 Unit 2

Day Starter
Objective: Students will diagram and describe chemical bonding on posters and notes and using the words ionic bonds, covalent bonds, polar molecules, compounds, metallic bond, valence electrons, and ion/anion/cation.

1) What is the octet rule?
2) What is electronegativity?
3) What causes bonds to form in molecules? Compounds? 

Exit Ticket
Today in class we introduced  chemical bonding. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph explaining why bonds form. Use 2 blue words from the day starter in your paragraph.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 1

Day Starter

Question: (REVIEW!!)
1) What is independent assortment?
2) How do nucleiotides and DNA relate?
3) How do haploids, sex cells, and gametes and meiosis relate?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the self-evaluation portion of your unit tracker. Include 2 new words you learned. Write a perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will make connections between faults/boundaries and earthquakes and volcanic activity on the CST and TST using the words S waves, P waves, subducted, strike-slip fault, normal fault, reverse fault, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, ocean ridges, and ocean trenches.

Question: (REVIEW!!!)
1) Why does ocean plate subduct under continental plate?
2) Where do ocean ridges form? Trenches?
3) Why do plates move?

Exit Ticket
Complete the self-evaluation portion of your unit tracker (checklist).

Physical Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will apply patterns and trends on the periodic table to take the CST and TST using the words atomic number, atomic mass, atomic radius, valence electrons.

Question: (REVIEW!!)
1) List 3 patterns or trends in the periodic table.
2) How do valence electrons and energy shells/orbitals relate?
3) What is shielding?

Exit Ticket:
Complete the bottom, self-evaluation portion of your unit tracker (checklist). Incorporate at least 2 new words you've learned in this unit in your perfect 3 sentence paragraph.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Biology 2 Unit 1

Day Starter:
Students will interpret and analyze inheritance patterns in order to determine traits in offspring using a CST and TST and the following vocabulary: dominant trait, recessive trait, genotype, phenotype, heterozygous and homozygous.

1) What is DNA made of?
2) What are chromosomes made of?
3) What's the difference between homozygous and heterozygous alleles?

Earth Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will make connections between faults/boundaries and earthquakes and volcanic activity on the CST and TST using the words S waves, P waves, subducted, strike-slip fault, normal fault, reverse fault, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, ocean ridges, and ocean trenches.

1) What causes earth's magnetic poles?
2) How often do earth's magnetic poles reverse?
3) What's the difference between geographic north and magnetic north?

Physical Science 2 Unit 1

Day Starter
Objective: Students will apply patterns and trends on the periodic table to take the CST and TST using the words atomic number, atomic mass, atomic radius, valence electrons.

1) What do atoms have to do with matter?
2) What are properties of metals?
3) What information does the atomic number tell us?

Exit Ticket