Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Earth Science Unit 1 Day 2 continued

Learning Objective: Students will learn about density by designing a lab, collecting

 data, and will analyzeand interpret data in writing using technical and 

academic vocabulary (massvolumedisplacement).


  1. What makes some things more dense than others?

2. The density of water is equal to 1.0 g/cm3. A substance with density equal to 1.3 g/cm3 would _____ in water.
  • A. float
  • B. sink
  • C. contract
  • D. expand
3. What role do you think density plays in studying Earth and other planets?

Exit Ticket for Unit 1 Day 2 continued: Why did some of your boats hold more mass than others? You should use the word density in your answer!