Thursday, September 29, 2016

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about climate change by collecting and analyzing data using check-in partners, words. 


  1. What is the purpose of the article we read yesterday? (you will need the article!)
  2. How does the author describe climate change? 
  3. What words does the author use to describe the impacts of climate change? List at least 3.

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about volcanoes and earthquakes by doing a reading using literacy partners and sentence starters and words (dormant, magma, pressure, crust, plate tectonics, ground deformation).


  1. What is the purpose of the article we read yesterday? (you will need the article!)
  2. How does the author describe volcanoes? 
  3. What words does the author use to describe volcanoes? List at least 3.

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about chemical bonding and molecules by conducting a lab and analyzing data using table partners, check-in partners, words (ionic bonds, covalent bonds, molecules, compounds, reaction, nonmetals, metals).


  • Please research the chemical formula for the following chemicals: 
    • baking soda
    • vinegar
    • salt
    • epsom salt
    • egg shells
    • sugar
    • isopopyl alcohol
    • hydrogen peroxide

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Earth Science Unit 2 Day 6

Learning: Students will learn about volcanoes and earthquakes by doing a reading using literacy partners and sentence starters.


  1. What are super volcanoes? (book)
  2. Where are super volcanoes located? (book)

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 6

Learning: Students will learn about climate change by collecting and analyzing data using check-in partners, words. 


  1. What evidence supports climate change? (book or brain)
  2. What does carbon dioxide have to do with climate change? (book or brain)
  3. What has caused previous climate changes in history? (book)

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 6

Learning: Students will learn about molecules by doing a simulation using words (subscripts, coefficients, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, properties, VSEPR, repulsion), check in partners, sentence starters.


  1. What is a chemical formula? Give an example. (book)
  2. Give 3 examples of names of ionic compounds. (book)
  3. Give 3 examples of names of covalently bonded compounds/molecules. (book)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day

Learning: Students will learn about earthquakes and volcanoes by analyzing data using check-up partners, words (covergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, transform boundaries, plate tectonics, subduction), sentence starters.

  1. What are earthquake hotzones? Where are earthquake hot zones? (book)
  2. What impacts to earthquakes and volcanoes have on people (book or brain)
  3. Why do you think people still live in earthquake hot zones? (brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about climate and climate change by doing a misconceptions chart using check-in partners, words (greenhouse gases, global warming, Carbon dioxide, atmosphere), and sentence starters.


  1. Why does climate change occur? (book or brain)
  2. Why is climate change happening so rapidly lately? (book or brain)
  3. What evidence supports rapid climate change? (book or brain)

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 6

Learning: Students will learn about molecules by doing a simulation using words (subscripts, coefficients, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, properties, VSEPR, repulsion), check in partners, sentence starters.

  1. Why do molecules form certain shapes? (book or brain)
  2. What determines the shape of a molecule? (book or brain)
  3. What determines the name of a molecule? (book)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about earthquakes and volcanoes by analyzing data using check-up partners, words (covergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, transform boundaries, plate tectonics, subduction), sentence starters.


  1. How do plate movements cause volcanoes and earthquakes? (book or brain)
  2. Why do most earthquakes and volcanoes happen at plate boundaries? (book or brain)
  3. Where did the most recent earthquake occur? (book) 

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 5

Learning: Students will learn about climate and climate change by doing a misconceptions chart using check-in partners, words (greenhouse gases, global warming, Carbon dioxide), and sentence starters.


  1. What is global warming? (book)
  2. What are greenhouse gases? (book)
  3. What do you think causes global warming? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 5

Learning: Students will learn about molecules by doing a simulation using words (subscripts, coefficients, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, properties), check in partners, sentence starters.

  1. What is the VSEPR theory? (book)
  2. What is a subscript? (book)
  3. What is a coefficient? (book)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about earthquakes and volcanoes by studying data using words (plate tectonics, oceanic crust, continental crust, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, transform boundary).


  1. What causes earthquakes? (book or brain)
  2. What causes volcanoes? (book or brain)
  3. Do you think the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes is connected? (brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about climate in our communities by graphing and analyzing data using words (precipitation, elevation, axial tilt, latitude, greenhouse gases), notes, and checkup partners.


  1. Describe the Earth's axial tilt. (book)
  2. How do oceans impact the climate? (book or brain)
  3. Which do you think has a greater impact on climate: mountains or oceans. Explain! (brain)

Chemistry Unit 2 Clean-up Day

Learning: Students will learn about chemical bonding by doing activities using words (covalent bond, ionic bond, electronegativity, valence electrons, metals, nonmetals), notes, sentence starters, check up partners.


  1. What is the difference between a compound and a molecule? (book or brain)
  2. What's the difference between a metal and a nonmetal? (book or brain)
  3. Give 3 examples of ionic compounds. (book)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 3

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonics by doing a simulation using words (convergent, divergent, transform, subduction, mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust, density), notes, graphic organizer and check up partners.

  1. What causes volcanoes? (book or brain)
  2. What causes earthquakes? (book or brain)
  3. Where do you think the most volcanoes and earthquakes happen? (brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 3

Learning: Students will learn about climate in our communities by graphing and analyzing data using words (precipitation, elevation, latitude, greenhouse gases), notes, and checkup partners.


  1. What is latitude? (book)
  2. What latitude is Denver? (book)
  3. What is topography or a topographic map? (book)

Link for Topographic Maps Question

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 3

Learning: Students will learn about climate in our communities by graphing and analyzing data using words (precipitation, elevation, latitude, topography, greenhouse gases), notes, and checkup partners.


  1. What is latitude? (book)
  2. What latitude is Denver? (book)
  3. What is topography or a topographic map? (book)

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about atoms and molecules by doing a simulation using words (valence electrons, ionic bonds, covalent bonds)


  1. What is a molecule? (book)
  2. Name 3 examples of molecules or compounds. (book)
  3. What do you think makes bonds stronger or weaker? (brain)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 2

Learning: Students will learn about climate by graphing and analyzing data using words (precipitation, elevation, latitude), notes, and check-up partners.


  1. How do mountains affect climate? (book or brain)
  2. How do oceans or large lakes affect climate (book or brain)
  3. How does elevation affect climate? (book or brain)

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 2

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonics using words (subduction, convergent, plate boundary, fault, divergent, transform), notes, and check up partners.

  1. What is a rift valley? (book)
  2. What does a divergent plate boundary look like? (book)
  3. What is created at a divergent plate boundary? (Book)

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 3

Learning: Students will learn about chemical bonding by creating models using words (lewis dot structures, covalent bonds, ionic bonds, valence electrons), notes, sentence starters and check up partners.


  1. Why do chemical bonds form? (book or brain)
  2. What's the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond? (book or brain)
  3. What do valence electrons have to do with chemical bonding? (book or brain)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Earth Science 1 Unit 2 Day 1

Learning: Students will learn about weather and climate by doing research and graphing using check up partners, words (latitude, elevation, precipitation, physical environment), notes.


  1. What is weather? What creates weather? (book)
  2. What is climate? What creates climate? (book)

Earth Science 2 Unit 2 Day 1

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonics by researching plate movements using words (fault, plate boundary, transform, convergent, divergent), check up partners, notes.


  1. What is plate tectonics? (brain or book)
  2. What causes plates to move? (brian or book)
  3. What is the effect of plate movement? (book or brain)

Links for Class Today

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 2

Learning: Students will learn about chemical bonding by observing and analyzing patterns and using words (ionic bond, covalent bond, valence electrons, non-metals, metals, electronegativity), check up partners, sentence starters, notes.


  1. What is an ionic bond? (book)
  2. What is a covalent bond? (book)
  3. What do you think the periodic table have to do with bonding? (brain)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Wrap-UP

Complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper!!!

  1. List as many words used in this unit as you can. Use your daily sheets to help you.
  2. Review the unit do nows and learning objectives: What do you think the main learning goal was for this unit?
  3. Describe 2 things we did or discussed (and took notes on) that supported our main learning goal.

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Wrap-up

Complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper!!!

  1. List as many words used in this unit as you can. Use your daily sheets to help you.
  2. Review the unit do nows and learning objectives: What do you think the main learning goal was for this unit?
  3. Describe 3 things we did or discussed (and took notes on) that supported our main learning goal.

Chemistry Unit 2 Day 1

Learning: Students will learn about chemical bonding by watching videos and recording notes using a graphic organizer, words (ionic bonds, covalent bonds, octet rule, valence electrons) and check-up partners.


  1. What is the octet rule? (book)
  2. Why do atoms gain or lose electrons? (book or brain)
  3. Why do bonds form? (book or brain)

Links for Class today

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about studying the Earth by doing a close reading using literacy strategies, sentence starters.


  1. What is the purpose of the article we read?
  2. How is the author describing the Earth? 

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 9

Learning: Students will learn to analyze the water situation in other regions of the world using literacy strategies, words (sustainable, aquifer, renewable, nonrenewable) and notes.

Pick up an article from the front table!!
  1. What is the purpose of the article? (must read/skim to find out)
  2. How does the author talk about water? 

Chemistry Unit 1 Wrap-up Day

Complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

  1. List as many words used in this unit as you can. Use your daily sheets to help you.
  2. Review the unit do nows and learning objectives: What do you think the main learning goal was for this unit?
  3. Describe 3 things we did or discussed (and took notes on) that supported our main learning goal.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Day 8

Learning: Students will learn about researching the layers of the earth by doing a close reading and refelction using sentence starters, literacy partners, notes, words.


  1. If we could study the core of the Earth, what additional tools would you need? (brain)
  2. If you could study the core of the Earth what problems would you encounter? (brain)
  3. What questions do we (you) still have about the core of the Earth? (book/brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about water use and sustainability by analyzing data using notes, check-up partners, words (irrigation, nonrenewable resource, renewable resource).


  1. What could make our water use more sustainable? (brain)
  2. What is a renewable resource? (book)
  3. Is water a renewable resource? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 8

Learning: Students will learn about properties of the periodic table using notes, words (families, valence electrons, atomic number, particles, protons, electrons), literacy partners and literacy strategies.

**If you were absent yesterday you will need to get an article from the chemistry make-up work folder.


  1. What is the purpose/point of the article we read yesterday? (brain)
  2. How did the author describe the new elements? (brain)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about convection by collecting data using check up partners, notes, words (mantle, lithosphere, density).


  1. What is density? (book or brain)
  2. What does density have to do with convection? (book)
  3. How does convection occur in the mantle? (book)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 8

Learning: Students will learn about water availability by doing a data interpretation and analysis using words (sustainable, nonrenewable, renewable, irrigation, agriculture), notes, check-up partners.


  1. Do you think people in the United states should be required to pay for their water? (brain)
  2. Do you think cities should exist where there is no water? (brain)
  3. What or how do you think the most water is used in the United States? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 7

Learning: Students will learn about elements in the periodic table by doing a close reading and reflection using literacy partners, literacy strategies, words (patterns, properties, valence electrons, periods, families, groups).


  1. If you discovered a new element, what information would you want to know about it first? (brain)
  2. How do you think new elements are discovered? (brain)
  3. What would you name your new element? (brain)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Clean-Up Day

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonics by doing graphing the patterns using words (theory of continental drift, lithosphere, mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust), notes, video, checkup partners.


  1. What is convection? (book)
  2. What does convection have to do with the mantle? (book/brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 6

Learning Objective: Students will learn about fresh water use by graphing and modeling data using words (renewable resource, nonrenewable resource, irrigation, agriculture, sustainable), notes, check up partners.


  1. What is a nonrenewable resource? (book)
  2. What is a renewable resource? (book))
  3. What is a sustainable resource? (book )

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 5 Continued

Learning: Students will learn about patterns and properties in the periodic table by graphing and interpreting data using notes, words (electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic radius, reactive, periods, groups), video, check up partners.


  1. What is a period in the periodic table? (book)
  2. What is a group in the periodic table? (book)
  3. What property do periods in the periodic table have? (book)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Day 5

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonic theory by creating a model and graphing the data using notes, check-up partners, words (mantle, lithosphere, oceanic crust, continental drift, continental crust, Pangea).


  1. What is the theory of continental drift? (book)
  2. How are plate tectonic theory and theory of continental drift related? (book/brain)
  3. How has the Earth's surface changed over time? (brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 5

Learning: Students will learn about glaciers by doing a simulation using checkup partners, notes, words (accumulation, equilibrium, precipitation, depth, temperature).


  1. What is glacial calving? (book)
  2. Why is glacial claving important? (book/brain)
  3. How do glaciers impact the worlds water? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 5

Learning: Students will learn about patterns and properties in the periodic table by graphing and interpreting data using notes, words (trend, electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic radius), check up partners.


  1. What is electronegativity? (book)
  2. Define ionization energy. (book)
  3. What might make one atom bigger (in radius) than another? (book or brain)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about plate tectonic theory  by creating a model and graphing using partners, words, (lithosphere, mantle, oceanic plates, continental crust).

1. What is plate tectonic theory? (book)
2. What evidence exists to support plate tectonic theory? (book)
3. Why is plate tectonics important? (brain)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about glaciers by doing a simulation and using words (accumulation, calving, temperature, precipitation), notes, video, partners and observations.


  1. What is a glacier? (book)
  2. How are glaciers formed? (Book)
  3. Why do you think glaciers are important? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 4

Learning: Students will learn about patterns and properties in the periodic table using notes, check up partners, words (family, metals, non-metals, metalloids). 

  1. List 2 properties of transition metals. (book)
  2. List 2 properties of alkali earth metal. (book)
  3. List 2 properties of the lanthinides and actinides. (book)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Earth Science 2 Unit 1 Clean-up day

Learning: Students will learn about the impact of the Earth's layers by doing a simulation using notes, words (lithosphere, mantle, inner core, outer core, density, temperature, oceanic crust, continental crust), graphic organizer, check-up partners.


  1. Does the Earth's surface move? Explain what you think. (brain)
  2. What evidence do we have that our Earth's surface moves? (book or brain)
  3. What causes the crust to move? (book)

Earth Science 1 Unit 1 Clean-up Day

Learning: Students will learn about the water cycle and aquifers by building a model aquifer and gathering observations using graphic organizer, check-up partners, notes, and words (groundwater, runoff, infiltrate, water table).


  1. What is groundwater? (book)
  2. Where does groundwater come from? (book or brain)
  3. Do you think it's easy or difficult for pollution to get into the groundwater? (brain)

Chemistry Unit 1 Day 3

Learning: Students will learn about patterns and properties of the periodic table by labeling and coloring using check-up partners, notes, words (electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic mass, atomic radius, reactivity).


  1. What is the atomic mass of an element? (book or brain)
  2. What is the atomic number of an element? (book or brain)
  3. What do you think determines whether and element will be reactive or not? (book or brain)

Periodic Table Expectations For class today

Colors: 10 different families with a key.


  • electronegativity
  • ionization energy
  • reactivity
  • valence electrons
  • atomic radius
Helpful Resources to use: