Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Earth Science Unit 4 Day 1 continued

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the impact of 

solar energy on local weather by doing a lab and will 

analyze and interpret data in writing using  

technical vocabulary (system, radiation, solar energy, 


  1. If you lived next to a body of water (large lake, ocean, sea) how might your weather be different than if you lived surrounded by land? (brain)
  2. What is albedo? (book)
  3. 3. In general, which is the cause of a sea breeze?
    • A. The difference in elevation between land and water
    • B. The difference in density between land and water
    • C. The difference in specific heat capacity between land and water
    • D. The difference in cloud cover between land and water

    Exit Ticket for Day 1 continued: Suppose you had to explain how solar energy impacts weather. What would be the easiest thing to explain? The hardest?