Monday, May 2, 2016

Earth Science Unit 3 Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will learn about the physical changes that happen on Earth by watching a video and doing an online interactive and will summarize their learning in writing using technical vocabulary: plate tectonics, heat, pressure, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, weathering, geology


  1. Rocks are made of what materials? (brain)
  2. What can rocks tell us about Earth? (brain)
  3. Which of the following is a characteristic of all minerals?
Answer choices for number 3:

  • A. Contain silicon
  • B. Solid
  • C. Organic
  • D. Man-made

Exit Ticket for Day 1:

  • What did we do today? (summarize)
  • What sticks with you most from our learning activities today? (explain)